4I. Rating Auditor

My first year as Rating Auditor has been quite uneventful. I have answered some rating queries and many thanks to Bob Armstrong for providing valuable guidance, although one could say 'The rating formula speaks for itself'. The biggest concern at the moment is deflation in the CFC rating system. Paul Leblanc did excellent work in producing statistics using Don Parakin's excellent rating calculator to show that our ratings have been deflated by about 100 points since 2017. Most likely caused by players improving online and not playing OTB due to the Pandemic. We are currently weighing our options and should make a recommendation to the CFC Executive shortly. A concern for me is that other ratings have also experienced deflation, so it may be better to stay in line with the other systems rather than just make an adjustment to everyone's CFC rating.

The good news is that COVID seems to be under control now and over the board chess is flourishing.