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Thread: 5A2 - DISCUSSION ITEMS - COVID and Chess

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
    Yes, I do appreciate that we can't make everyone happy, so sometimes we try to somehow at least minimize the various "opposites of happy" lol. However, I REALLY appreciate all of the replies, we need to do what's right, but also this is going to be a "chesscation", with everyone thoroughly enjoying themselves!!

    Here's another angle: if you prefer that masks still be worn, does that position change if all Players and Arbiters are vaccinated, and any spectators masked?!

    Thanks again, Aris Marghetis.
    Vaccines do not prevent spread of Omicron. Even having had Covid previously and being double vaccinated and being boosted do not prevent spread of Omicron. You can get it and you can - with or without symptoms - spread it. The good news is that for most people Omicron and even earlier variants of Covid are not a big deal. You may get it and not even know it. Unfortunately that is not the case for everyone. If you are overweight, have underlying health issues like diabetes and its constellation of symptoms like high blood pressure or immune system issues, Covid can kill you. Most people who get very sick have such issues. Most but not all people that died were elderly.
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 02-18-2022 at 12:45 PM.

  2. #22
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    Sooo, I'm looking for answers to the question I posted:

    "Here's another angle: if you prefer that masks still be worn, does that position change if all Players and Arbiters are vaccinated, and any spectators masked?!"

    (Most people appreciate that three shots at least reduces hospitalization/ICU/death rates, including Omicron. If a reader disagrees with this, it does NOT help me to know that lol. What HELPS me is answering the question above, IF it applies to you. I really need to hear from THOSE people who still prefer masks be worn!)

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
    Aris, you just cant make everyone happy. Everyone has different opinion and there is little point to argue about it. Some players will not play with mandatory masks. Some players will play only with mandatory masks.

    BTW, how many older (60+) players played in Closed-2019? I mean, in a championship section?

    Again, I would like to see "Halldor rules" for many Canadian events now. And last time this tournament in Ottawa attracted 80 (!!) players.
    I've been doing some research, and there seems to be a kind of "jurisprudence" building for what we're calling the "Halldor rules". From Ottawa high schools:

    "Masking & Sports
    In light of the most recent province announcement, OPH (Ottawa Public Health) indicated that they are in support of these measures. Effective immediately, athletes actively involved in high risk sports (such as basketball and hockey) have the option to mask during the game but are no longer required to do so. On the bench, however, coaches and athletes must continue to mask, as well as all minor officials at the scorers' table. This applies to sports from grades 7-12."

  4. #24
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    Masks, they may not fully prevent transmission, but they DO dramatically REDUCE transmission.
    Patrick McDonald
    International Arbiter
    International Organizer

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
    Sooo, I'm looking for answers to the question I posted:

    "Here's another angle: if you prefer that masks still be worn, does that position change if all Players and Arbiters are vaccinated, and any spectators masked?!"

    (Most people appreciate that three shots at least reduces hospitalization/ICU/death rates, including Omicron. If a reader disagrees with this, it does NOT help me to know that lol. What HELPS me is answering the question above, IF it applies to you. I really need to hear from THOSE people who still prefer masks be worn!)
    Then, Aris, you probably want to hear from people like me. My understanding is that wearing a casual mask does not at all protect this person for a virus transmission from other people. However, wearing a casual mask by infected person protects (or, at least, significantly reduces) virus transmission from this infected person to other people. Therefore, my view is: if you don't feel well - don't play in chess tournaments, and stay home. If you need to go outside (to pharmacy, etc.) - wear mask in order to respect and protect other people.

    During my trip to Japan in early 2019 (before covid), I was wondering, why many people are wearing masks on the streets. I asked this question to our guide, and got the following answer: "Japanese people are wearing masks in case if they are not feeling well (cold or flu), but they have to go out - in order to protect surrounding people". My opinion is that this is nice way of thinking, even for the times when the pandemic will be over. If we extend this way of thinking to covid pandemic situation, in many cases people do not feel any symptoms, and may spread the virus even to knowing that they are infected. This is why, I would prefer everybody wear masks until pandemic is over.

    However, my personal decision - to play in a particular OTB event or not will not depend on mask requirements. it will depend on the pandemic situation in the playing area, i.e. on the number of cases during previous couple of weeks, and on its dynamic. If the number of cases is high and/or increasing rapidly - I will not play OTB.

  6. #26
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    Thanks Victor ... I'm compiling something ... there's a lot of angles to include ...

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick McDonald View Post
    Masks, they may not fully prevent transmission, but they DO dramatically REDUCE transmission.

    They say that but the data suggests something different. In much of Europe schools stayed open and the kids were maskless and transmission rates were negligible. The data comparing masked and maskless transmission and mortality rates do not support masking. Cloth and paper masks are about as effective as gauze. Its like trying to stop a swarm of bees or mosquitoes with a chain link fence.

  8. #28
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    So it's been some days now, without huge replies to my posts regarding safety conditions at KEC. Therefore, I am proceeding with the deduction that most people seem comfortable with "Halldor rules", which are no mask at the board, mask everywhere else. In addition, the RA Centre where he organizes has a vaccine rule.

    If you have a significantly different position, please feel free to email me.

    I can confirm at this point that KEC should happen, we're just choosing the hotel from our last short list (some of my "consultants" have been a bit unavailable)

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