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Thread: 5A6 New CFC Business Plan

  1. #1
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    Default 5A6 New CFC Business Plan

    This is to discuss a possible update of the CFC business plan.

  2. #2
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    If we are going to revise the 2012 plan we should look at it first so here it is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Hmm - I replied to this thread yesterday. Basically my point is that since the 2012 plan, we have seen growth in most aspects of our Federation. Our membership is growing, despite our restrictive definition of membership. Youth players can play in youth events without a membership. CMA and the FQE provide chess programming outside of our membership. We mustn't be complacent but I think we are moving in a good direction.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Bond View Post
    Hmm - I replied to this thread yesterday. Basically my point is that since the 2012 plan, we have seen growth in most aspects of our Federation. Our membership is growing, despite our restrictive definition of membership. Youth players can play in youth events without a membership. CMA and the FQE provide chess programming outside of our membership. We mustn't be complacent but I think we are moving in a good direction.
    We are moving in the right direction. Ideally, we will continue trending in the right direction.

    Some of the posts seem to appear later. There was a post by Victor Plotkin that I did not see earlier yesterday that seemed to pop up later in the day. Not sure what is going on. I had one of my posts disappear as well though that might have been human error or my internet connection going out just as I posted. My internet connection cable along with my phone and television was cut for the third time in 2018 when they were laying fiber-optic cable a couple of weeks ago. Right now we have a wire running down the street and across neighbors' driveways to the cable box about three houses down.

  5. #5
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    I asked this to be added to the Agenda because the Plan is dated 2012 and I don't believe that it's ever been reviewed or updated (at least to my knowledge). I also note that the Plan should be accessible to everyone where I may be missing it, but I don't see it on the CFC website. I'd like to see the Plan reviewed (to see what goals and objectives we've accomplished since its creation, what changes should be made, if any, and the Plan updated regarding where we go from here. I've recently retired and am prepared to assist or take on the role of trying to put a draft update together. I'm hoping to put something similar together for the Nova Scotia Chess Association (although obviously on a provincial level rather than a federal level). We're in the process of trying to register our organization under the provincial Societies Act and to create a Constitution and Bylaws which we're hoping to have ready for our AGM next Spring/Summer, so I'm hoping that many of the concepts will duplicate themselves to a certain degree to the final benefit of both Plans. On the same note, if the VM's agree to the above, I'm hoping that everyone will participate in making suggestions of what should be included in a revised Plan and ask that this item to be added to the next agenda for further discussion.

  6. #6
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    We shall revisit this item at the next meeting as you requested.

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