I would like to add another agenda item under " New Business ": Executive Nominations Committee

The point of this topic, is that our AGM comes up in July ( only 3 months away ), and we are in the position we are always in - " Gee, I wonder who might come forward this year to run for the Executive ?". And with no formal process in place, we often don't know who is willing to stand until we are in the midst of the AGM itself. This seems like a pretty fragile and uncertain process.

So I would like to propose that the Governors form a specific committee of non-running governors, an Executive Nominations Committee, whose task it will be, to approach governors they feel would do a good job on the executive, and encourage them to put their names forward.

I would also suggest that the second mandate of this committee be to, if they feel they can, make recommendations to the governors of who they would endorse for the various executive positions, from among any declared candidates. This will not in any way determine who can run - all candidates can still run, but it may be that some will gain the endorsement of the committee.

I would suggest that we ask here for volunteers for this committee - I would suggest it be 5 governors. They can post here if they are interested in sitting on this committee, and will confirm they are not intending to run for any executive position for the coming year.

Lastly, if we have more than 5 volunteers for this committee, I suggest that the executive, by majority vote, with the President having a tie-breaking vote if necessary, select from among the volunteers, the 5 person committee.

I would like to hear opinions on this proposal.
