Welcome everyone to 2024.
I am hoping to get back to a more predictable weekly update schedule.

To recap for all the new members,
Memberships and ratings are updated to the website on a weekly basis. It used to be done Wednesday evening, occasionally later if problems encountered.
With the rapid rise of memberships, chaos created by COVID shutdown, our new online JustGo membership system, we have strayed from a predictable schedule.

For 2024, we will return to predictable updates, with everyone's cooperation.

Here's the plan.

Tournament reports (rating files & memberships collected) should be sent by 11 pm Wednesday evening.
Rating update will be done by Thursday noon, or sooner.
If you are close to sending reports but missing the 11pm deadline, let me know.

Clubs / TD's - it helps if memberships collected reports are sent in advance of the rating files.

Thanks everyone.