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Thread: FIDE election

  1. #1
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    Default FIDE election

    For different reasons, I decided to significantly reduce or maybe eliminate my activity on Here I want to reply to some post from Frank Dixon about upcoming elections.

    "I believe the CFC Executive should consult, formally, with the federal government about this, and be prepared to make these discussions public, before the FIDE Congress is held in India." - from his post on CT.

    Looks like Frank trust our government more then CFC directors. Does our government deserve it? Do CFC directors deserve this attitude?

  2. #2
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    If there were such discussions, I doubt politicians or bureaucrats would be eager to have them made public, if only as a matter of principle (as in, cover the backside, perhaps).

    Aside from that, the federal government has afaik not yet used any of its powers to ask our sports federation what to do concerning the FIDE elections. So, it really stays a matter for the CFC Executive. If the way the Executive votes in the elections offends the federal government somehow, then deal with the consequences, if any, then. Asking the federal government how to vote ahead of time is a bit like asking a policeman how he might treat you if you maneuver your car a certain way in a snowstorm while he's watching - he may not even want to tell you, but just watch what you do instead, especially now that you've drawn attention to yourself.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
    Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

  3. #3
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    Having dealt with the federal government from time to time there is no person that we could contact to even get their input if we thought that was a good idea.

    A number of years ago under a conservative government, I did talk to someone in a foreign minister's office after the aide made comments in the media about a FIDE election. He retreated from the published statements and said it was up to us.

    Justin Trudeau has not been taking my calls lately. We'll have to make up our own minds.

  4. #4
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    I spoke several times with GM Andrii Baryshpolets, before and after he announced his candidacy. Right now he needs 5 endorsements from different federations, which is a mandatory step for entire campaign.

  5. #5
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    On May 27, FIDE Elections candidates Andrii Baryshpolets and Peter Heine Nielsen addressed the CFC Board to solicit an endorsement by the Chess Federation of Canada.

    Now, GM Baryshpolets and GM Nielsen would like to reach out to all Canadian chess players hoping to get wider support. Please see the letter and three attachments below.

    Від: Andrii Baryshpolets
    Date: пт, 27 трав. 2022 р. о 10:27
    Subject: FIDE President Elections 2022 Baryshpolets/Nielsen - Chess Federation of Canada

    Dear Chess Federation of Canada,

    By this letter, we would like to present our Presidential ticket (President – Andrii Baryshpolets, Deputy President – Peter Heine Nielsen) for your consideration and kindly solicit endorsement by your federation. Please find attached to this email:
    Baryshpolets' resume
    Nielsen's accomplishments
    Baryshpolets' Presidential statement

    Since the deadline for Presidential ticket application, June 7, is quickly approaching, we kindly ask your federation to inform us of your decision at your earliest convenience.

    Please let us know if you would like to discuss our candidacy over a call or have any questions.

    With best regards,

    Andrii Baryshpolets and Peter Heine Nielsen
    Andrii Baryshpolets_CV.pdf
    Introduction of Peter Heine Nielsen.pdf
    Statement for FIDE President Candidacy - Andrii Baryshpolets.pdf

  6. #6
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    2 days before the deadline Andrii has 3 endorsements: New Zealand, Lithuania and probably England. He still needs 2 more to continue his campaign.

  7. #7
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    "In conclusion, the [FIDE Electoral Commission] approved the following list of valid Presidential ticket
    - Mr. Andrii Baryshpolets and Mr. Peter-Heine Nielsen;
    - Mr. Inalbek Cheripov and Mr. Lewis Ncube;
    - Mr. Arkady Dvorkovich and Mr. Anand Viswanathan;
    - Mr. Bachar Kouatly and Mr. Ian Wilkinson.

    The full version of the Electoral Commission report that includes its second part.

                        Candidate for President   Candidate for Deputy President
    Name                Andrii Baryshpolets       Peter-Heine Nielsen
    Federation          Ukraine                   Denmark
    Current position    GM;                       GM, FST;
                        Senior Associate,         Coach of World Champion 
                        PricewaterhouseCoopers    Magnus Carlsen
    Name                Inalbek Cheripov          Lewis Ncube
    Federation          Belgium                   Zambia
    Current position    Filmmaker                 Continental President
                                                  for Africa 
    Name                Arkady Dvorkovich         Anand Viswanathan
    Federation          Russia                    India
    Current position    FIDE President            GM; former World Champion;
                                                  Councillor / FIDE President's 
                                                  Continental Assistant
    Name                Bachar Kouatly            Ian Wilkinson
    Federation          France                    Jamaica
    Current position    GM; FIDE Deputy President FIDE Honorary Vice-President
    Last edited by Vadim Tsypin; 06-09-2022 at 07:03 PM. Reason: Added Bachar Kouatly's GM title

  8. #8
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    Laval(Qué)-based presidential candidate rejected by the FIDE Electoral Commission shares his views frankly on the Canadian community resource.

    " Racism, apartheid by European chess federations is evident: Fumey "

  9. #9
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    Statement by the Sheripov-Ncube 2022 FIDE Presidential Ticket
    Team BEST MOVE: Candidates for the positions of President and Deputy President of FIDE

    On behalf of the BEST MOVE Team, we, Inal Sheripov and Lewis Ncube, as confirmed candidates for the posts of President and Deputy President of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), respectively, address the world chess community with the following statement:

    On June 7, 2022, the FIDE Electoral Commission approved the candidature of FOUR valid FIDE Presidential Candidacies of which the BEST MOVE Ticket of Inal Sheripov and Lewis Ncube was one.

    We would like to sincerely thank the Federations of Barbados, Sierra Leone, Timor Leste, Ukraine, and Zambia for their endorsement.

    Additionally, we would also like to thank all the other Federations and members of the global chess community that have expressed their support for our candidature.

    The BEST MOVE Team wishes to welcome the Vice President of the Togolese Chess Federation, Enyonam Sewa Fumey (popularly known as Noel) to our fold and we offer him the position of Vice President Designate to oversee the Development activities of FIDE.

    Noel is a former FIDE General Secretary and former Secretary General of the African Chess Confederation.
    A major part of his responsibility in this role will be the supervision of the FIDE Planning and Development Commission.

    The BEST MOVE Team will move to restructure the FIDE Planning and Development Commission to “depoliticize” it and make it more focused on balanced chess developmental activities across the global chess community.
    Noel will be most suited for this assignment, with the Team’s development tasks ranging from grassroots and small nation areas of development to working with marginalized communities across the global chess community.
    Added to the supervision of the FIDE Planning and Development Commission, Noel will also continue working with the FIDE Social Commission, whose developmental aspects are critical to the overall global goals FIDE will focus on under the leadership of Team BEST MOVE.

    We are confident that the multi-lingual Noel will be an excellent addition to the varied members of Team BEST MOVE.

    Noel joins the President of the Ukrainian Chess Federation, Victor Kapustin, who will head the section of our Team that will be working on concepts of FIDE reforms as another FIDE Vice President Designate.

    The BEST MOVE Team continues to grow and encompass the global chess community that has bought into our vision.

    As we countdown to the FIDE Presidential Elections in Chennai, we urge the global chess community to critically analyse the current state of our beautiful game and work with us to change the narrative to the FIDE we want.
    Let us work towards being the solution to our needs and not to continue being part of the problem.

    All those of us that have been present at political gatherings under the guise of consultative FIDE Planning and Development Commission funded meetings should use our chess acumen to read between the lines and see through the charades being presented to us.

    The latest political gathering was organised under the guise of an Orientation Meeting for new Presidents of the Americas Continent on the sidelines of the start of the 2022 World School Chess Championships in Panama City.
    Rather than gather newly elected Presidents, shouldn’t FIDE be organising a Conference for Chess in Schools, or a similar event tailored to add value to the knowledge of those that have sacrificed valuable resources and taken the challenge to honour the hosts with their presence at this global event and ensure the participation of their talented chess wards?

    Many parents, coaches, and other Federation officials have traveled to Panama to accompany their young chess players to this global chess event for our deserving chess playing schoolchildren.

    Furthermore, shouldn’t the Orientation Programme be better suited AFTER the Chennai elections?

    Unless of course the orientation was on the voting aspect of the invited Presidents’ expected responsibilities at the upcoming FIDE elections in Chennai.

    In any event, we urge the genuine observance of the concept of “FREE AND FAIR” elections to be practiced not only in pronouncements but in the “DEEDS” carried out by the sitting FIDE President and his Team.

    Objective Federation officials that attended the recent FIDE Planning and Development Commission funded Meetings in Mexico, Kampala and Bangkok were clearly cognisant of the political motives behind the meetings.
    The concerned Federation officials also raised relevant questions regarding the scheduling of these meetings just months before the FIDE elections.

    In this regard, we urge restraint in the abuse of Planning and Development resources for political ends.

    The countdown to the Chennai 2022 FIDE Presidential Election provides the global chess community with the opportunity to introspect and make the BEST MOVE.


  10. #10
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    Arkady Dvorkovich:
    Water does not flow under a lying stone.

    Almost a whole week had passed since the four presidential tickets have been confirmed. I have been traveling to Prague, Madrid, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador. A lot of meetings.

    Elections are in two months, but the work can't stop. That is why I have not been just meeting national federations, but have worked with FIDE Qualification Commission and FIDE Planning and Development Commission, inspected the venue of the Candidates tournament, opened the World School Championship, advocated for chess being included in the Olympic movement and in schools curriculum while meeting national Olympic committees, parliaments and governments.

    It is somewhat odd to hear accusations that FIDE executives are campaigning as some of them travel with me. The work can't stop just in order to avoid some futile critique. Everyone is welcome to check - FIDE directors traveled relentlessly in previous years as well. We conduct and will be conducting a very much needed work.

    I hope to see other candidates contributing as much now for the benefit of chess society. As well as reporting to the chess community about what they achieved before.

    Meanwhile, we will work at the same pace, be it before or after elections.

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