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Thread: 5A1 - DISCUSSION ITEMS - Bids for National Events

  1. #1
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    Default 5A1 - DISCUSSION ITEMS - Bids for National Events

    Any new bids may be posted here as well as discussion on these.

    Note that if this section is well used we may split the thread into sub-threads to avoid confusion
    Last edited by Lyle Craver; 02-12-2022 at 10:07 PM.

  2. #2
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    I have been spending some time of late trying to get NAYCC 2022 and CYCC 2023 and Canadian Open 2023 on track and I believe that we have made good progress on those events with Calgary as the destination for all three events.

    NAYCC 2022 has been awarded to Canada by FIDE America. Due to covid concerns it seemed unlikely that the tournament could be organized in Ontario or Quebec. The CMA had to withdraw from consideration a tournament in Kingston, Ontario because of Covid. The CFC also gave active consideration to organizing it ourselves in Windsor, Oshawa or Toronto but due to health issues with Christina Tao's father and my own father we decided that it was not feasible for either of us to organize the tournament. We approached the Alberta Chess Association, Vlad Rekhson and tourism officials in Calgary and the tournament seems to be coming together well for Calgary in the summer.

    This year's Sport Tourism Canada expo has been postponed from March in Edmonton to later in the year. This is where we make contact with tourism officials from across Canada. This is the second time that the Edmonton expo has had to be postponed due to COVID. In 2020 there was an online event as a replacement which I thought went quite well.
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 02-13-2022 at 01:26 AM.

  3. #3
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    What are status of CJCC 2022 and CYCC 2022? Thanks.

  4. #4
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    CYCC 2022 and Canadian Open 2022 are likely to go ahead assuming that there are no government edicts closing things down due to covid. I am not sure of the status of CJCC 2022. Christina Tao may know more but is dealing with her father's death right now.

  5. #5
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    My condolences to Christina and her family.

    For the CYCC 2022, is it that all juniors are qualified like last year, i.e. there is no need to qualify through a provincial YCC?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Lo View Post
    My condolences to Christina and her family.

    For the CYCC 2022, is it that all juniors are qualified like last year, i.e. there is no need to qualify through a provincial YCC?
    We believe that will have to be the case. Large parts of the country are limited in their ability to hold qualifiers at this moment. We will likely try to re-establish the qualifier system once things return back to normal. I would not expect that to be the case at least through 2024. We could consider online qualifiers at some point but I think it is important for now that we continue to hold successful CYCC events when the governments or the local health authorities allow us to do so.

  7. #7
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    Thank you, Vlad.

  8. #8
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    Testing post.

  9. #9
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    I have had some people suggest that we might go to an online qualifier or series of qualifier events for CYCC as a way to raise funds and keep people interested. The problem with that is that the funds that can be raised are minimal and the potential impact on how many children can play in CYCC is a concern. Normally we have up to 12 months of qualifiers and this year we are realistically limited to four months. Online events require a rather robust fair play team in order to prevent cheating. Doing that correctly is expensive and labour intensive.

    If we can have a CYCC without restrictions due to health mandates then it would not be surprising if we could have 300 to 400 kids play in a CYCC in Hamilton, particularly with a good site and options for inexpensive accommodations as I believe will be the case in Hamilton. Having a good, large event in addition to replenishing the youth fund will send a signal to the various tourism bureaus that CYCC is a desirable commodity for them. Being a desirable commodity for tourism bureaus and hotels means that they will offer more to be able to host CYCC and similar event organizers. This means that the organizers will not lose money and will likely organize more events. This is my reasoning as to why we should not require a system of YCCs in this COVID year. If we do reestablish YCCs we need to do it in a way that gives plenty of time to organize as many as needed. Four or five months before CYCC just does not cut it in my opinion.

    I would like to hear what voting members think on this issue.

  10. #10
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    Chess Nova Scotia will host the Canadian Seniors CC as scheduled for July 29-August 2, 2022, in addition to the Mayflower Open as advertised on our website. However, the Covid resurgence in December has negatively impacted planning and sponsorship for Festival aspects of the event: the international panel, the scholastic exhibition, celebrity competitors. We will advise participants of changes in March. While keeping what Festival aspects we could for 2022, CNS would aim to restore the full-on Festival event (as advertised for 2020) in 2023. In that case, we would be interested in having the Canadian Seniors CC return to Halifax again that year.

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