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Thread: World Championship for People with Disabilities

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Tecumseh, ON
    Blog Entries

    Default World Championship for People with Disabilities

    World Championship for People with Disabilities: Registration continues

    Dear Member Federations,
    We are reminding you about the 4th FIDE World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities – an event organized by Dresdner Schachfestival E.V. under the auspices of FIDE from 4-14 November 2021. The fourth edition of the event is expected to bring together players from all parts of the world, satisfying their needs for communication, self-esteem and recognition at a hard time of the pandemic.

    The 9-round Swiss tournament with 45 minutes + 30 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1, is an individual competition with an additional team ranking.
    Registration of the participants is open until November 1, 2021.

    At the moment, players from 16 countries - Russia, USA, Georgia, Australia, Ukraine, India, Colombia, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Iran, South Africa, France and Uzbekistan - have already registered.

    The first round kicks off on November 05, 2021; the winners will be determined after the last round, played on November 13. The official Closing Ceremony of the event is scheduled for November 14, 2021.
    Registration of the participants of the 4th FIDE World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities is open until November 1, 2021, via online form.

    Tournament regulations (pdf)
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 10-11-2021 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Kanata, Ottawa, Ontario


    I've worked this event previously. If you get asked to be a part of it, I heartily encourage you to do so. It will be one of the most fulfilling things you ever do!

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