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Thread: 5A1) Bids for National Events

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Tecumseh, ON
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    Default 5A1) Bids for National Events

    This thread is for any bids for National Events

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Kanata, Ottawa, Ontario


    Hello Vlad, if I may suggest, maybe we could have posted here the list of upcoming events, which ones are booked, which ones aren't, their deadlines, etc.

    Thanks, regards, Aris.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Tecumseh, ON
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    Canadian Open (2022) CYCC/CO 2020 will be in Mississauga, 2021 will be in Hamilton. The details of the Hamilton bid will be available in this meeting.
    Canadian Youth (2022)

    Canadian Closed (2023)
    Canadian Women’s Closed (2024)
    Canadian Junior (2021)

    Canadian Senior (2021)

    FIDE America Events:

    The following events are the current 2 North American regional events open for bidding (earliest year likely to be awarded to Canada is in brackets). The CFC Board of Directors submits its “best” submitted bid to FIDE America for final approval.
    North American Youth (2022)
    North American Junior (TBD: 2021)

    This is a cut and paste from the CFC website.
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 02-18-2020 at 12:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Vancouver, BC


    I would favor doing what the USCF does which is ON THEIR HOME PAGE have two links saying 'Upcoming Events' which are where awarded bids get max exposure and 'events open for bids'. The point is that they're 2-3 years ahead and linked TO THE HOME PAGE. In my opinion it would be useful to on the latter page prominently include our standard template for bids.

    That's how their site USED to be though they've redone the site and that's no longer there. (Not sure how I feel about their photos on the home page with all the good links at the very bottom!) In case anybody doesn't know it's

    I also like that their link to the equivalent of this forum and a link simply called 'governance' are there though not prominent - I do think this forum is one of the great open secrets of Canadian chess and NOT well emphasized on our main site. I don't pretend to be the world's greatest website designer but this forum is key content and needs to be more visible than it is even if the effect would be to give Chris and I more work!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Charlottetown, PE
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    I know it's not in neon, but we do have a link on the home page .... Just look down the middle column until you find National events. This lists what Vlad posted and has links for bid documents, etc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Vancouver, BC


    While I agree with Fred I add that most of us here are rather more famiiiar with the CFC site than the average member or organizer and do believe it's time for a redesign of the CFC home page to get people where they need to go quicker. The emphasis needs to be on the TDs first of all with the individual members close behind. The stuff folks like us are interested in should be way behind in priority BUT there are several documents that to the best of my knowledge aren't indexed at all. They're there but good luck finding them if you don't already know the link. I DON'T consider having the ONLY link to a document (the May pro rata calculation for one but there are plenty of others as well) being in the forum but not on the site 'accessible'.

    Don't get me wrong - the CFC site is FAR FAR from the only site I go to frequently with superior content where where everything's there but poorly indexed and you often have an easier time finding a page through Google than the site itself.

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