Dear CFC governors,

As many of you already know, I was elected President of the CFC by the slimmest of margins. I am humbled by the trust that you have put in me and I will try my best to live up to your trust.

Firstly, I want to thank Micah Hughey and Vlad Rekhson for organizing and hosting a terrific Canada Open. They did a superlative job and I invite them to submit a short report to the CFC Executive outlining the things that they did well and any lessons they learned in hosting the Canada Open. This report will be available in order to aid future bidders of the Canada Open.

Secondly, I want to thank the CFC Executive of the past year, in particularly, President David Lavin, and VP Stijn De Kerpel for all the time and effort that all of them have done in order to put the CFC on a new financial footing. All of this hard work has helped the CFC turn a corner so that the CFC leadership this year can help local volunteers to promote chess on a local, provincial, national, and international level.

Thirdly, I want say that I am blessed with a terrific team on the CFC Executive. Stijn De Kerpel has volunteered for a fourth term as VP. Maurice Smith will be Treasurer. His experience as CFC President will be invaluable. Hal Bond will certainly make a terrific FIDE representative. I am grateful that Michael Barron has stepped up to fulfill the role of Youth Coordinator. In addition, Bill Doubleday, a CFC officer, has volunteered as Ratings Auditor.

As for priorities, the VP has informed that I need to garner bids for next year's Canadian Championships. This year the CFC Executive will help potential bidders to organize Canadian Championships.

It is my unhappy duty to inform governors that David Lavin was unable to secure a suitable site in Toronto and therefore, he was in no position to submit a bid for the 2010 Canada Open. I can report that there is still interest in Toronto and the CFC Executive will try to help these potential bidders.

Regarding the 2010 CYCC, John Coleman of Windsor, Ontario is working on a bid and receiving help from Ellen Nadeau and Michael Barron.

As for the other championships, no interest has been shown at the AGM. If you are interested in organizing a championship, please do not hesitate to contact me or any other member of the CFC Executive. We are here to help!

Another top priority is to establish a newsletter. The CFC will set aside some money for an honorarium to be paid to an Editor of the CFC Newsletter. The newsletter will be published on a monthly basis. There are at least four models already being published in Canada that can be used; Steve Wright's British Columbia Chess Scene, Tony Ficzere's Alberta Chess Report, Bob Armstrong's Scarborough Community of Toronto Chess News & Views, and Jean Hebert's newsletter. If someone is interested in the position, please contact me as soon as possible. I will also tap some persons who I believe can do a good job.

I do recognize that the CFC leadership in the past has often been viewed by local chess leadership as a hindrance. It is my goal as well as the goal of the CFC Executive to be as helpful as possible. In this endeavor, I invite all CFC governors, provincial executive, local club executive, and local organizers to participate so that chess will be promoted throughout Canada.

You can contact me at the following email address: While I cannot promise instantaneous response, I will try to arrange as prompt response as humanly possible.

Cheers, Eric Van Dusen
CFC President
CFC Governor-at-large
OCA Secretary
RA Chess Club Executive – Tournament Director.