Quote Originally Posted by Fred McKim View Post
Perhaps this is a topic for New Business at the Incoming Meeting. I know we had plans for a membership drive 3 or 4 years ago, but it never got passed the planning stage. Maybe we can get 3 or 4 volunteers to head this up.
As I recall we did have a membership drive which involved contacting all of the old expired members. I was involved when I was masters representative. I don't recall the number of emails I sent but it was probably in the thousands personalized to each member. It was not a fruitful exercise. I had a few who said they would be members if they hadn't moved to another part of the world. I had several that threatened legal action if contacted again. I was called a few names.

My suggestion is that we run more tournaments and publicize them better. I always get a surge in interest locally when there is a newspaper story or television report on local events.