The CFC Regular Chess Post – August 31/13 – Coverage of a Prodigy – Liang.

Awonder Liang lives in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, was 10 years old in April, and played in the recent North American Youth Chess Championships held this summer in Toronto (organized by CMA) – this is the stretch connection to “Canadian News” – he played here!

Reposting, with thanks, some CMA Chesstalk posts:

by Jack Maguire:

Awonder Liang, who just turned 10 this past April, and fresh off his 3rd place finish in Toronto's NAYCC U18! (talk about playing up) division, is featured in the following news item today.

There's absolutely no question about Awonder's perhaps unparalleled potential…..

By Felix Dumont:

Awonder is not only World Champion and FM, but also had a rating of about 2300 (USCF) at the age of 9…

From Wikipedia (via Jack)

"On August 5, 2011, at the age of 8 years 118 days, he became the youngest to defeat an International Master (IM) in a standard tournament game. [2] This occurred Round 6 at the US Open in Orlando, FL., when Awonder defeated IM Daniel Fernandez (rated FIDE 2401, USCF 2448 at that time). The previous record was broken by 1 year, 8 months and 7 days; having been held by Hikaru Nakamura."
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Bob Armstrong, CFC Public Relations Coordinator
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