The CFC Regular Chess Post – August 13/13 – Cleveland Open/Chicago Class Championships.

Canadian Windsor juniors did well in these USA tournaments:

Cleveland Open:

Jeffrey Zhu scored 4½/5 to take clear first in the 37-player u1500 section. Jeffrey won $1,200 US.

Henry Zhang of Windsor tied for second, winning $433. Jeremy Mathews picked up $33 for his 4th place tie.

In the junior u1200 section, Joshua Mathews (Jeremy's brother) tied for first with 4.5, winning $225. Max Zhu (Jeffrey's brother) scored 3/5.

Other Windsor players included Lily Zhou scoring 2½/5 in the u1800 section, and Stefano Lee scoring 2½/5 in the junior u1200 section.

Chicago Class Championships:

Jeffry Zhu played in the D section, scoring 4½/5 and winning $1,000 US.

The entry fee was $105, there were 29 players in that section, and the D prizes were $2000 total.

Thanks to John Coleman for the reports. Windsor has become a hot-bed of junior chess – congratulations to all involved.

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Bob Armstrong, CFC Public Relations Coordinator
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