Motion 2012-P – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

Moved: Bob Armstrong; Seconded: Fred McKim

That CFC combine the current “ Active “ and “ Blitz “ Rating Systems, and expand them
into one system called a “ Quick Chess “ Rating System, on the following terms:

1. it will accept " quick chess " tournaments with time control from Game/5 ( with
increments Game/3 with 2 sec. increment ) to Game/59. Games 15-59 min. will
be the regular K factor ( 2200+ - 16; U 2200 - 32 ), while those 5-14 min. will be
one-half K factor ( 2200+ - 8; U 2200 – 16 ).

2. Prior to establishing the new “ Quick “ rating, all “ Active “ ratings that are more
than 100 points below the “ regular “ rating will be revised to CFC regular - 100.
The CFC “ quick “ rating will be the maximum of the CFC Rating (if any games
played since 2006/01/01) and the CFC “ active “ (if any games played since 2006/

3. Players must be CFC members. Alternatively, a modified tournament playing
fee will suffice: the CFC portion of the quick chess tournament playing fee is the
normal CFC portion of the tournament playing fee reduced from $16 to $8 (adult)
and from $8 to $4 (junior); added to this will be the applicable provincial dues.
The price for the “ quick chess “ tournament playing fee will be reviewed by the
executive after 6 months.

4. The " quick chess tournament " rating fee will be 50% of the normal rating fee.

5. The current practice of all-junior tournaments of less than 1 hour not requiring
any CFC membership or tournament playing fee, and being rated for $ . 50 per
player, will continue as an exception in the system.

Please vote YES, NO or ABSTAIN

Voting deadline is 6 pm EST Saturday January 7th - please no discussion on the merits of the motion here!