This year we have moved to a larger space in order to accommodate everyone. Peter Clark Hall is located on the lower floor on the Guelph University Centre and will be the playing venue. You may register in advance by emailing me,

Another small change this year regards the sections and eligibility to play in them. We are going with 3 sections: Pro, U2000 and U1600. Anyone wishing to play up must pay a premium to the Chess Foundation. GMs and IMs play for free if they register by Wednesday Jan 26. Here are the details.

Dates: February 5-6, 2011
Place: Peter Clark Hall, Guelph University Centre
Rds: 5
Times: 10am, 1:30pm, 6pm, 10am, 2pm
Type: Swiss
TC: G/90 + 30 sec inc
EF: $60 Pro, $40 Ams, $10 late fee on site.
Prizes: $55 per Pro player paid in Pro Section, trophies in Amateur sections.
Reg: email registration Cheques to; Hal Bond, #205-105 Conroy Crescent, Guelph, ON N1G 2V5
Misc: All equipment, snacks and refreshments provided by organizer. All sections FIDE rated. Players must play in the section of their rating. Anyone wishing to play up must pay $20 per 100 points or part thereof below section floor, all proceeds to the Chess Foundation of Canada.