
I'll put various puzzles here, usually of my own invention or from one of my games.

  1. Puzzle #4

    Today's puzzle is the first one I made up completely myself. It's not very good in my opinion, but it was my first try. The previous ones were either directly from one of my games vs. the computer, or modified versions of those positions.

    [FEN "3q1b1n/8/2Np4/2pkp3/1rbP4/3PK2B/2QP4/8 w - - 0 1"]{White to move, Mate in 2}
  2. Puzzle #3

    Today's puzzle is a little more difficult! Black has a huge material advantage and White's king is threatened. On the other hand, Black's pieces are poorly placed and his own king is also under threat.

    What is White's best move, and does it result in a win, draw or loss for White?

    [FEN "4k1n1/1R1pP1pr/n3ppr1/P1P1P3/4N1N1/q1B2PpP/b1R3P1/6K1 w - - 0 62"]{What is White's best move, and does it result in a win, draw or loss for White?}
  3. Puzzle #2

    Another one today.

    [FEN "5Q2/3N2pk/3R4/4P3/5p2/6PK/7P/8 w - - 0 58"]{White to move, Mate in 2.}

    Updated 09-11-2014 at 10:50 AM by Christopher Mallon

  4. Puzzle #1

    We'll start with an easy one

    [FEN "8/8/1R6/3Q4/5K2/6P1/2k5/8 w - - 0 62"]{White to move, mate in 2.}
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