View Full Version : 12. New Agenda Items for discussion only.

Lyle Craver
09-09-2023, 04:45 PM
Note - since no items have been presented before the meeting anything posted here is for discussion only and if it is a matter that will require an Assembly motion to enact, discussion here is welcome but voting on the motion will be at the next quarterly meeting.

Egidijus Zeromskis
09-14-2023, 09:25 PM
That is probably the most appropriate place:

2024 Candidates tournament.

Any news for general public?

Vladimir Drkulec
09-15-2023, 01:44 AM
That is probably the most appropriate place:

2024 Candidates tournament.

Any news for general public?

Unfortunately no. I know a thing or two but am not at liberty to disclose. We do need to ramp things up very soon.

Lyle Craver
09-15-2023, 03:46 PM
Have we discussed the FIDE "Transgender statement" at all in this meeting?

My personal view is that Vlad's published reaction to it was excellent and my personal view is that while I understand that in some sports transgender women definitely DO have an intrinsic advantage over "women by birth" ((not sure what the politically correct term is - I'm NOT out to "put my foot in it" or enrage anybody) I don't believe Chess is one of them and women have taken part in chess tournaments with men for over a century despite there being separate womens' tournaments as well.

In short the whole affair seems to be "much ado about not really a whole lot" though I appreciate that the FIDE announcement was in response to one from the International Olympic Committee which represets several sports where it definitely DOES make far more difference than it does at Chess.

And I speak as an International Arbiter who along with the late Lynn Stringer was once mis-gendered by FIDE (for reasons best known to themselves FIDE had posted a list of International Arbiters showing myself as female and Lynn male. Rather than getting irate I e-mailed then FIDE rep Hal Bond giving him a link showing the error and asked him to get FIDE to make the fix for the two of us which they promptly did. I've no idea if anyone noticed besides Lynn and I and Hal!) 10 or so years later I mostly wish I had made and kept the screen shot!