View Full Version : Peter Stockhausen

Phil Haley
07-20-2009, 01:46 PM
There are a number of disturbing messages about Peter Stockhausen on the other board...indicating he is apparently "missing"....and that his chess books are for sale on E Bay...I hope that everything is well with Peter...hopefully some reader can provide information.
Phil Haley

John Coleman
07-20-2009, 01:59 PM
I find it a little surprising that, when Peter went missing, that no information was posted on any of the chess bulletin boards, as far as I know. If I went missing, the first inquiries my wife would make would be to the chess community.

Assuming she made inquiries, of course. :rolleyes:

Kevin Pacey
07-20-2009, 02:14 PM
If one clicks on the Member's List for this forum and selects the letter 'P' it will show that Peter Stockhausen (or else someone else using his account) last visted TODAY.

On chesstalk I checked the member's list in a similar fashion, but it showed his last visit there was in March.

Kevin Pacey
07-20-2009, 03:27 PM
From chesstalk today, a post by J. Ken MacDonald:

"The person accessing under Peter's name would be Karen who sent me an e-mail regarding my post this morning. I have also received a list of the eBay item and a picture of much more stuff, showing many bound volumes of chess periodicals.

Alas, her valuation method is way off and I have offered to help her understand why."

Bob Armstrong
07-21-2009, 01:27 AM
Here is a post from early today on ChessTalk:

Today, 12:32 AM
Roger Patterson

News on Stockhausen

Lynn Stringer has made inquiries with people who know and apparantly Peter is OK.
