View Full Version : Wiki re: chess in the arts

Kevin Pacey
08-17-2019, 04:27 PM
Here's the wiki re: chess in the arts, which among other things includes lists of films and tv shows involving chess:


Kevin Pacey
06-28-2020, 11:44 PM
Not mentioned in the link is that certain old paintings depicting chess variants exist; one I know of is for an older form of Circular Chess, called Byzantine Chess (both use a round board, with 16 ranks and 4 files), and another painting I know of is for a 12x8 rectangular board for an old game played in parts of Germany (it was for either Courier Chess or Courier-Spiel, perhaps both played at the time, on 12x8) - below are links that at the least give a good idea of what was depicted:



On another matter, more serious TV shows (or newscast items) featuring chess [match] [games] (finished or in progress) have been done many, many times, and in many ways. A big league example would be the defunct British show The Master Game, which featured games between titled players that iirc were played beforehand, and then these games were replayed on air, with the participants explaining their thoughts at times. The problem with sustaining chess shows would seem to be that funding can dry up, if it ever is adequate enough (in the case of British chess in general, iirc interest peaked in the 1980s).


[edit: here's a link to a thread that among other things has discussion of the future possibility of tv commercials about chess, at least in Canada - somewhat related to the present post, perhaps:]
