View Full Version : 10F - 2018 Canadian Womens' Championship & Zonal (Montreal)

Lyle Craver
08-24-2017, 02:43 PM
I have been asked by Richard Bérubé to forward to the meeting a bid for the 2018 Canadian Womens' Championship and Zonal to be held in Montreal Dec 26-30.

The bid documents are attached to this posting


Vlad Rekhson
08-25-2017, 08:22 PM
A few questions on this bid:

1) Which rating is going to be used to determine qualification and also which rating period?
2) There doesn't seem to be a provision in the budget for the payment to FIDE America of $75 USD per player.
3) The CFC+FIDE fee of $70 seems to low as just FIDE rating a RR is $100.