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View Full Version : 7.2 "The Voting Booth" - National Appeals Committee (5 to be elected)

Lyle Craver
08-22-2017, 06:26 PM
There are 5 positions to be filled on the National Appeals Committee and 6 nominees.

You are invited to vote for up to 5 candidates - anyone found to have voted for more will have their votes disqualified.

In alphabetical order the candidates are:

Ilia Bluvshtein

Lyle Craver

Pierre Dénommée

Mark Dutton

Chris Mallon

Egidijus Zeromskis

Voting Closes at 1800 ET Saturday August 26th

Vladimir Drkulec
08-24-2017, 11:32 AM
Aris Marghetis has informed us that he needs to decline his nomination but will consider returning next year to the National Appeals Committee after a much needed break.