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View Full Version : 10. Other Business

Lyle Craver
08-21-2016, 01:09 AM
This agenda item is for the posting of items "from the floor" not covered in any agenda item above

Fred McKim
08-21-2016, 10:39 AM
10.1 Youth Advisory Committee.

This has been tossed around some on CT and among the Executive. I'd like to make a separate thread for it.

Garland Best
08-24-2016, 10:08 PM
As a point, I have been privy to email dialog regarding issues of on-time reimbursements for people attending the WYCC in recent years. While so far I only know of one player affected, it appears to have occurred more than once.

I do note that the President, Treasurer, FIDE representative, and Executive Director are currently working to resolve the issue. However I am concerned that (a) the matter is not yet fully resolved, and (b) that the player in question might not be the only one with issues. As such I ask the executive to investigate the matter more fully, to resolve the known issue prior to the Olympiad, and to perform an audit of the past two WYCCs, to verify that all persons eligible for reinbursements were paid in full. Thank you.

Vladimir Drkulec
08-24-2016, 10:27 PM
That issue is being resolved and so far it seems that the payments were made in the case of 2014. There was some confusion because two cheques possibly from different sources were combined in the receiver's bank deposit obscuring the amounts. The cheques were cashed according to the CFC's bank for the first two or three cheques in question. If bills were not submitted it would not be surprising if no payments were made. All promised payments will be made if they have not been already made. It is a tedious, labour intensive process to verify whether these payments have been made.

Garland Best
08-25-2016, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the response Vlad. Hopefully things will be concluded just as quickly for 2015.

Valer Eugen Demian
08-28-2016, 12:54 AM
I would like to raise the point about FIDE titles in need of renewal such as FIDE Instructor and such. There must be a way to ensure good communication between FIDE, our CFC office and the titled Canadians when renewal time comes. It is my case today: my title is shown in arrears in the FIDE database, FIDE advised me they sent the invoice to the CFC office, the office has not responded to my email and I want to renew my title. For me it is important I maintain my title in good standing. How can this be arranged to run as desired? Please advise!