View Full Version : CFC Handbook updates

Bob Gillanders
01-09-2009, 02:43 PM
We haven't forgotten.

In fact, former CFC president Maurice Smith has spent many hours over the holiday season pouring over several years of GL's to tackle this massive job. He did send me his list of handbook updates on Jan 5th as promised. Great work Maurice.

Now I am the bottleneck. I will get to it in due course, but moving the office and launching the webzine are most urgent.

Erik Malmsten
01-14-2009, 06:21 PM
Thanks to Maurice Smith for updating the handbook. This is a valuable resource for tournament organizers and directors. I hope it will be mentioned amd linked to in the new webzine.

Paul Leblanc
01-26-2009, 12:17 AM
Bob, can you send me the section on the chess foundation if Maurice is suggesting an changes or re-wording?
I'll send you any comments I have.
cheers, Paul