View Full Version : 1 - Agenda

Christopher Mallon
07-13-2012, 04:31 PM
Here is the agenda:

Sign In
Chair's opening remarks
2012-2013 Proposed Budget
Treasurer's report

Any questions or additions, please reply here.

Rob Clark
07-13-2012, 05:35 PM
The structure of the meeting is the following (as stated in an email which went to the OCA governors a couple weeks back):

"the meeting will be 5 days total with 3 days discussion (July 13th-15th) after which there will be a two day voting period for the budget (July 16th-17th)"

Kevin Pacey
07-16-2012, 02:34 PM
It now being 16 July, what time will voting on the budget begin, assuming we're not extending discussion?

It also might be a good idea to email OCA Governors to remind them, if voting is to commence today as scheduled. I haven't yet seen a majority of Governors make post(s) during the meeting so far, if I recall correctly.

[edit: I've since seen that voting did indeed begin today, this evening]