View Full Version : 18a) Approval of Budget

Christopher Mallon
06-11-2012, 07:22 AM
The Budget:

$1000 surplus from 2011
-$500 to Bob Gillanders for filing taxes
-$250 support to Olympiad players/ supporting people such as coaches etc

Approximate $2000 for next year (assuming its similar to this year)
– $500 Ontario Open
– $500 OYCC
– $250 OHSCC
– $250 Ontario team championships
– $250 Women's Championship
– $250 Senior's Championships

Total $2000

Only Incoming Governors may vote.

Christopher Mallon
06-11-2012, 12:56 PM
Please keep all discussion in the discussion thread and only post here for procedural issues.

William G. Doubleday
06-11-2012, 08:08 PM
Has Brett Campbell posted a budget? I take it that Chris Mallen's post is simply his proposal for expenditures.

I think this may have to be resolved later but OCA should have a budget.

Bill Doubleday

Christopher Mallon
06-11-2012, 08:39 PM
Has Brett Campbell posted a budget? I take it that Chris Mallen's post is simply his proposal for expenditures.

I think this may have to be resolved later but OCA should have a budget.

Bill Doubleday

This is the extent of what I was given for the budget vote.

Bob Armstrong
06-12-2012, 06:11 PM
Procedural comment, in case of a tie vote on budget approval:

OCA Bylaw

Meetings of the Board

4.17 Types of Meetings – The Board shall hold an Annual General Meeting and may from time to time hold Meetings as necessary to carry out the Corporation’s work.
4.21 Ordinary Resolution – Unless specified otherwise, questions shall be decided by Ordinary Resolution by e-mail vote, where the Chair of the meeting has an extra vote in the event of a tie vote, to cast the deciding vote.

Rob Clark
06-14-2012, 02:02 PM
The budget fails.