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View Full Version : 18c. Proposal for a Canadian Chess Team Championship (Porper)

Fred McKim
01-01-2012, 01:39 PM
What we have here is a proposal for a Canadian Chess Team Championship from IM Edward Porper. The rest of this post is the contents of an introduction to the concept that I sent the rest of the Executive earlier this month.

I will follow this up shortly with the proposal itself (split over several posts). In order to allow Edward to be able to view any discussion and answer questions, I am putting this on the public forum.


For the past several months I have been in touch with IM Edward Porper pretty well on a daily basis. He has advanced from being a contributor to CCN to it’s editor in that time period. There is no doubt he takes this job seriously. His passion for the game is evident, as he goes through a learning curve separating the European chess scene from North American style chess scene.

The following proposal is his vision of what can happen in Canada to move towards more of a chess culture that is present in Europe. The ambitious nature of it, may well cause a lot of people to say "impossible", "this could never happen". Perhaps, but we have the unique opportunity right now to let somebody investigate whether there is some interest in this venture out there. The exact details given in this proposal are of course subject to alteration depending on any of a number of factors that present themselves in the next year.

Edward is looking for an OK from the CFC to proceed with this project, in the role of Commissioner (at least until such time as the viability is assessed). He is hoping to start in Feb of 2013, but this of course depends on the availability of funding. He will be looking for someone in the chess community to help put forward a "professional" business plan that could be taken to potential sponsors. There is no expectation of any financial assistance from the CFC. If approval is given there may be some opportunity to work with the Toronto Olympic Bid Team.

Also coming forward at this same time is going to be a Canadian Chess Club League proposal from Brian Profit. The nature of his proposal is more inclusive of players at all levels of play. I have tried to get the two proposals closer to working in unison, but I am still convinced that this proposal by Edward could be a playoff follow-up to the Chess League that will almost certainly be starting this fall. Likewise the CCCL would be the qualifier stage talked about in this CCTC proposal.

I intend to have Governor discussion on this at the meeting next month. It would be nice if the Executive takes some at least preliminary view on the project. I am also forwarding this to Brian Fiedler for his possible comments, in his role as Fund Raising Co-ordinator.

Hal Bond
01-01-2012, 10:15 PM
In principal I do like the idea of fostering a greater team consciousness on the Canadian chess scene.

Christopher Mallon
01-01-2012, 10:17 PM
I agree Hal, I just worry that starting two similar leagues at the same time might prevent both of them from reaching critical mass.

Gordon Ritchie
01-02-2012, 01:10 AM
I agree 1) that we.should encourage league/team play and to that end should 2) strongly encourage the merger of these proposals.

Pierre Dénommée
01-02-2012, 09:46 PM
FIDE permits norms with only Canadian players in a Canadian Team Championship. This is an important opportunity that we should advantage of as soon as possible.

Christopher Mallon
01-03-2012, 01:05 AM
True, but a Club championship would also qualify as a team event.

Fred McKim
01-03-2012, 08:32 AM
True, but a Club championship would also qualify as a team event.

It has to be a National Team Championship.

Egidijus Zeromskis
01-03-2012, 10:02 AM
It has to be a National Team Championship.

I think the emphasize is on "National" as the highest and strongest level. Smth like an Ontario team championship without foreigners would not pass a test.

There is a requirement that all games are played OTB too.
"Titles for over-the-board standard chess (as defined in 1.14)" (1.14 gives time controls.) IMHO, with internet involvement the championship would fall into a telechess category.

Paul Leblanc
01-03-2012, 10:06 AM
I would insist that any matches played over the internet have a TD or at least a witness at each playing site to prevent cheating. See agenda item 6.b.

Lyle Craver
01-05-2012, 04:59 AM
Some 25 years ago when we still had adjournments I played in a CFC rated club tournament and since it was closing time at the club we arranged to do the adjournment at my opponent's home. We had no TD present for that session and felt a bit funny about it.

Needless to say no one complained about the results of the game Maurice Smith - Lyle Craver (as I recall it was B+N v P with the issue turning on whether the pawn could be won and the mate delivered) but I can see all kinds of possibilities for corruption if an individual or individuals are determined.

Fortunately these average no more than once or twice a decade - so while I'm not trying to be pedantic I'm not trying to be willfully naive either!

Paul Leblanc
01-05-2012, 04:00 PM
At least in Lyle's adjourned game, his opponent was there to witness that Lyle didn't have Bobby Fischer helping him.
In live match play we accept that it is impractical to have a TD present but the opponents can see each other.

Lyle Craver
01-07-2012, 11:05 PM
As a practical matter, directors do not have players in the hall at all times during the game. It is common for players to adjourn to the restrooms or even outside the hall (usually to the front steps for a cigarette) during the round.

On one occasion I stopped players who were out in the foyer who were analysing a rook endgame which would not normally be a matter for TD intervention except the analysis was of a game still in progress and the kibitzers were located just outside the mens' room where either player would certainly recognize the position if they went to the mens' room. (I probably would not have intervened had they been in the skittles room which was further away) ("Sorry guys - take it to the skittle room!")

The sole time I have EVER expelled a player from a tournament was 25 years ago in Winnipeg in a club event where a player was found to be consulting ECO in the toilet about 20 minutes into the round...

Christopher Mallon
01-07-2012, 11:15 PM
At the Canadian Women's Championship in 2009 I believe I had to warn a bunch of spectators who were watching the ultimate, decisive game. All the other games were done, and they went two boards down and started analyzing the position right there!

I also called for backup. Honestly, if there hadn't been about 20-25 of them I probably would have just booted them out right then and there. Perhaps I should have anyway. I was a little shocked that they thought it was okay!