View Full Version : Canadian Chess in 2011

Paul Leblanc
01-01-2011, 04:15 PM
Happy New Year to everyone. Here are my predictions for chess in Canada this year:

January - FQE and CFC merge to form a new rejuvinated association with 3000 members. Mark Bluvstein wins Wijk Ann Zee C Group
February - The new CFC website debuts to rave reviews
March - Rating Auditor Bill Doubleday announces a rating point bonus system that resolves the issue of under-rated juniors
April - The Grand Pacific Open attracts 100 players. The CFC finishes the fiscal year in the black
May - The Keres Memorial attracts 100 players
June - Bob Gillanders announces he will stand for re-election
July - The Canadian Open attracts 350 players
August - Spragett, LeSiege, Biyiasis, Zugic, Suttles, Hergott, Teplitsky, Pelts, Piasetski, Liv****s, Glinert and Amos return to chess, inspired by the new rejuvinated CFC
September - Kevin Spraggett posts a nice blog about someone
October - 100% of governors attend an online meeting and accomplish something
November - Canadian Champion advances to Round 2 in the World Cup
December - Chess n Math finishes their 25th anniversary with exponential growth in youth chess

Alex Ferreira
01-01-2011, 11:01 PM
2012 - You fall off your bed and wake up.

Happy New Year, optimistic one :-)

Ed Seedhouse
01-02-2011, 11:46 AM
September - Kevin Spraggett posts a nice blog about someone

Now that's really going out on a limb. I predict that whatever he does post, it will not be the long promised revelations about all the still un-named and vaguely hinted at scandals in Canadian chess. Nor will he withdraw his accusations about a certain fellow who apparently went missing for a while and a lady I happen to know who has done far more for Canadian chess than he ever has. Or likely will, though there is still time for reformation and we should never lose all hope.