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Bob Armstrong
10-01-2010, 08:34 AM
Item # 3 - Questions/Comments on the On-line Meeting Procedures

Below are the Meeting Procedures from the CFC Handbook – If at any time during the meeting a governor has a question around the procedures, please post it here and I will attempt to respond as Posting Secretary.

Governors’ On-line Meeting Procedures

CFC Handbook SECTION 2 –Rules and Regulations, Article One, section 22A – Procedures for Governors’ On-Line Meetings:

1. The Meeting

( i ) Meetings shall be held on the CFC Governors’ Discussion Board.
( ii ) Meetings shall be held from the 1st to the 7th of every third month, beginning with the CFC AGM in July ( whether that be a normal or on-line meeting ). The meeting will start at 11:00 AM on the 1st, and conclude at 10:00 PM on the 7th ( subject to a motion amendment extension ). All times in this motion are Eastern Standard Time, and where relevant, Eastern Daylight Time.
( iii ) There shall be a quorum of 15 governors to constitute a meeting.
( iv ) Motions will be passed during meetings, and such meeting extensions as may be required due to amending motions.
( v ) The President, or someone designated by him/her as an alternate, shall chair the meeting.
( vi ) The Posting Secretary will post the agenda items to be dealt with.
( vii ) Proposed agenda items will be sent to the Secretary by 6:00 PM, two days before the start of the meeting. The Secretary will assemble these suggestions and forward them to the President. The President shall draw up the meeting final agenda ( he may consult with the Secretary in doing this ). The President shall publish the agenda as soon as possible, before the meeting.

2. The Role of the Chairperson

( i ) The Chair will decide on procedural matters such as motions of order, when to close agenda items, whether to add items to the agenda after the deadline, adjournment, etc..
( ii ) The President shall initially abstain on all motion votes. However, in case of a tie vote on motions or elections, s/he shall have the tie-breaking vote.

3. Role of the Posting Secretary

The Secretary, or his/her designated alternate, shall be made a Governors’ Discussion Board Administrator. S/he shall post the meeting agenda, discussion threads and motion voting threads on the Governors’ Discussion Board as follows:

( i ) Posting of Meeting Agenda – As soon as the Secretary can, s/he shall post the agenda on both the Governors’ Discussion Board, and the members’ CFC Chess Forum.

( ii ) Agenda Items – each agenda item shall be a new thread. The opening agenda item will be “ Those Present “, where governors will sign in. It will be a “ sticky “ so it remains at the top of the page. The second last agenda item will be “ New Business “. The Chair will instruct the Posting Secretary whether to open a new thread on “ New Business “ items proposed ( i.e. whether there is sufficient meeting time left to deal with the item; etc.. ).
( iii ) Agenda Item Introductions – the Posting Secretary will post any preliminary introduction statement, giving relevant facts and issues, as the first post under agenda item headings. These will have been developed by the Secretary, in consultation with the agenda item proposer, in advance of the meeting.
( iv ) Motions – motions will be “ stickies “ at the top of the page, and will only be used for recording governor votes. No voting on motions can occur until after 9:00 PM on the 4th, to allow for initial discussion, and the filing of amending motions. After voting on motions has commenced, there can be no amending of the motion. Motions voting closes at 6:00 PM on the 7th. Discussion of motions will be under normal agenda item headings.
( v ) Amending Motions – motions to amend a tabled motion may be introduced up to 6:00 PM on the 3rd. A discussion thread for them shall be started. They shall be voted on by the normal motion vote closing time – 6:00 PM on the 7th. Once an amending motion is filed, the main notion sought to be amended shall be temporarily closed, pending the outcome of the amending motion.
( vi ) Motion Meeting-Extension – where a motion has been “ closed “ due to an amending motion, as soon after 6:00 PM on the 7th as possible, the Posting Secretary will reopen the motion, or if amended, start a new thread on voting on the amended motion. There will be no longer be a discussion thread for the unamended motion nor a new one started for the amended motion. The meeting will then be extended to 6:00 PM on the 10th to vote on this motion(s) ( and for no other business ). Voting on this motion(s) shall be closed at 6:00 PM on the 10th.

4. Agenda Item Summary

At 9:00 AM on the 6th, or as soon thereafter as possible, the President, or the Posting Secretary if asked by the President, will post a summary of the agenda item discussion, setting out the critical points and the majority view, if any, on any controversial issue. S/he will propose what action might be taken on the agenda item, if any, in his/her opinion. Governors will have until 9:00 PM on the 7th to respond to the President’s Summary,. Whether the President or Posting Secretary summarizes discussions during a meeting extension is optional.

5. Vote Results

As soon after the close of voting on motions as possible, the Posting Secretary will post the results of all motions, giving the names of governors and their vote, and confirm whether the motion passed or failed ( e.g. whether constitutional amendments achieved the 2/3 majority needed, and 50% quorum for non-AGM constitutional amendments ), on the Governors’ Discussion Board and the members’ CFC Chess Forum.

6. Meeting Minutes

Within 7 days of the close of the meeting, the Secretary shall prepare the Minutes of the governors’ meeting, and they shall be posted on the Governors’ Discussion Board, to allow for any corrections to be raised.. Notice by e-mail shall be sent to all governors once the Minutes are Posted. Governors shall have 3 days to post corrections or e-mail them to the Posting Secretary.

7. Governors’ Letters

After 3 days, the Minutes, as corrected if necessary, shall then be immediately published in a Governors’ Letter, to be posted immediately on the CFC Website. This may be combined with any other content the CFC Secretary wishes to publish at the same time. As well, the Governors’ On-line Meetings, will replace the tradition of motions being discussed and voted on in Governors’ Letters. Motions filed will now be for the next Governors’ Meeting, unless dealt with by e-mail.

Bob Armstrong
10-01-2010, 08:39 AM
Hi Chris:

I had to post on the regular board because you forgot to give me access posting rights to the special forum - I couldn't post anything.

Also, you did get me on as a board administrator before the meeting, so I can post stickies. But it didn't seem to work, or I did something wrong. So will you make the Agenda, and Item # 1 - Governor Sign-In stickies for me. You'll have to advise me what I may have done wrong, because I have to make the " poll " threads later on in the meeting, stickies as well.

Christopher Mallon
10-01-2010, 09:40 PM
I'm not sure what's wrong with it. If you can see the option, it should work, and it worked last time (right?) ...

On a related note, I wonder if the voting is still too rushed. Perhaps starting the voting on the 6th day, and having voting only continue until the 9th?

Bob Armstrong
10-02-2010, 08:08 AM
Hi Chris:

The experience at the last meeting was that much of the dialogue had died down by the evening of the third day ( Sunday , Oct. 3 ) and the majority of governors had visited by then - Monday, Oct. 4 will be a pretty quiet day likely, so starting voting at 9:00 PM EDT on the 4th day ( Monday, Oct. 4 ) works fine.

There is the added wrinkle of motions to amend a motion on the table. This requires a double vote, once on the amendment motion, and then on the main motion. So the rules provide for an extesion of the meeting solely to deal with the main motion voting - so we need these extended days set aside for this.

( P.S. thanks for putting up the stickies. I maybe did something wrong when I tried it. I'll just try again on Monday night with the voting agenda items, and hope they become stickies )

Bob Armstrong
10-02-2010, 09:58 AM
Since the governors' on-line meetings take place on the Governors' Discussion Bd., they are " confidential ". But even the CFC's AGM is not " confidential " - the public can attend, though can't speak unless recognized by the chair.

I think we should be open to the public attending our on-line meetings. Please post if you approve of this idea.

Chris, can you advise whether you can set up a " Public Governors' Meeting Forum ", like the members' CFC Chess Chat Forum, but with the restriction that only governors can post? Let us know, and then maybe this issue can move forward.

I'd be willing to propose a motion to this effect, with public meetings starting with the Winter ( January, 2011 ) Quarterly Governors' On-line Meeting, if there is support for the idea. One of the advantages of this new on-line meeting format is that motions can be raised, discussed, brought and voted on in one week ( rather than 9 months, under the old GL system ).


Christopher Mallon
10-02-2010, 12:02 PM
That would be easy to do, yes.

The actual motion that created on-line meetings, did it actually refer to whether or not they were "open to the public" or not?

We would also still have the private board for any "in camera" discussions that would be needed.

Bob Armstrong
10-02-2010, 12:24 PM
Hi Chris:

You may remember from being on the Governor's Voting Modernization Subcommittee that we had some discussions about public viewing of the on-line meetings. It was felt at the time that to maximize chances of governors implementing the on-line meetings, we should initially keep them " confidential ", like the Governors' Discussion Board, where we intended to hold the meetings.

So the Handbook procedures do assume a " confidential " meeting:

CFC Handbook SECTION 2 –Rules and Regulations, Article One, section 22A – Procedures for Governors’ On-Line Meetings:

1. The Meeting

( i ) Meetings shall be held on the CFC Governors’ Discussion Board.

So it seems to me I'd have to prepare a " housekeeping " type of motion that set out all the technical changes that would be needed throughout the section 22A to allow for it to be either private or public viewing - I actually don't think there are that many of them though - maybe just a couple of places. I could do it right away easily if there were enough governors asking me to bring the motion.


Bob Armstrong
10-04-2010, 04:15 PM
Motions have to be filed by 9:00 PM EDT tonight.

No governors have indicated support for going quasi-public with our meetings.

So maybe this needs more discussion before a motion.


Bob Armstrong
10-04-2010, 04:51 PM
Les Bunning has brought a motion 2011-A to amend motion 2010-03 re Life Governors. Procedure dictates that an amending motion must be voted on first, and then, according to the outcome of that vote, the man motion/amended main motion is then voted on. The meeting procedures now allow for a 3 day extension of this meeting to accomodate this reality.

But Bob G feels there has been still insufficient discussion on Les' amending motion and has therefore ruled that it will be put up " for discussion " initially, rather than for immediate voting tonight at 9:00 PM EDT. The discussion will then go on for a while and then there will be time set aside for voting on it, and then time allocated to voting on the main motion. The exact dates for this will be posted here once the actual wording of Les' motion has been decided upon and it has been posted.

As a result, Motions 2010-03 and 2010-04 will not be posted for vote at 9:00 PM tonight, but both will await the outcome of the eventual vote on Motion 2011-A. Once that is known, then both Motion 2010-03 ( or the amended motion ) and Motion 2010-04 will be posted for vote.


Bob Armstrong
10-04-2010, 09:20 PM
I again found that my attempt to create sticky agenda items did not work. Please make Items # 11B, 16D, 23 & 24 ( voting items ) stickies for me.


Lyle Craver
10-04-2010, 09:24 PM
I would strongly oppose going public with this meeting while in progress.

There are all kinds of things we discuss (budgets, bids on tournaments etc.) that until the decision is made are not properly public.

Once done sure but while debate is taking place??

Bob Armstrong
10-04-2010, 09:41 PM
Hi Lyle:

But the CFC AGM is public ( anyone can attend, only they can't speak unless recognized ), and the budget is discussed and passed ( or not ) at it. It seems that these meetings mirror the characteristics of the AGM.

So why would it also not be public?

Chris has advised that under a proposed " public viewing only " forum, if a matter had to be dealt with in confidentiality, that agenda item could be adjourned to this confidential Governors' Discussion Board, where the debate could then take place in confidentiality. Afterwards, the governors would then return to the main forum for the public meeting to continue. This would seem to answer your concern.


Lyle Craver
10-04-2010, 09:46 PM
Point of order - it would not be in order to make the proceedings of this or any other online meeting without a specific motion to that effect.

Lyle Craver
10-04-2010, 09:49 PM
Bob the difference between the in-person AGM and the Online AGM is that it is exceptionally easy to copy and paste the proceedings.

Make no mistake about it - ChessTalk's interests are not ours and vice versa and the #1 difference between us is that I understand very clearly that.

For someone to attend the AGM and make notes and publish those isn't really appropriate but requires considerably more effort than copying and pasting from here.

It's not right or wrong - just the nature of the technology.

Bob Armstrong
10-04-2010, 10:01 PM
Monday, Oct. 4 – 9:00 PM EDT – Motion 2011-A posted for discussion.

Thursday, Oct. 7, 9:00 PM EDT – Motion 2011-A posted for vote

Thursday, Oct. 7 – 10:00 PM EDT – Meeting is extended to Tuesday, October 12 at 11:59 PM EDT. Closing Address by President rescheduled to Tues., Oct. 12
at 11:59 PM EDT.

Thursday, Oct. 7 - 11:00 PM EDT - Voting closes on the 4 motions posted on Monday night and results are tabulated and posted.

Saturday, Oct. 9 – 11:00 PM EDT – Voting on Motion 2011-A closes, and results tabulated and posted. Motion 2010-03 amended if necessary.

Sunday, Oct. 10 – 9:00 AM EDT – Voting on Motion 2010-03 ( or the amended Motion 2010-03 ) and Motion 2010-04 starts.

Tuesday, Oct. 12 – 11:00 PM EDT – Voting on the 2 motions closes, and results tabulated and posted.

Tuesday, Oct. 12 – 11:59 PM EDT – Closing Address by Bob G.


Bob Gillanders
10-04-2010, 10:02 PM
There is an important difference between the AGM and this meeting. Yes, the AGM is open to the public, and when Governors speak they are certainly aware of this fact. But since this meeting is being held on the Governors' private discussion board, that does imply a level of confidentiality.

There also is the fact that it would be all to easy for somebody to cut and paste statements by governors (out of context) and post on chesstalk to try and ridicule them. :mad:

I think we need to give some serious thought before making this meeting public.

Ken Craft
10-05-2010, 07:09 AM
I'm not sure why we fear transparency. Other than issues which are of a confidential basis, I think our discussions should be open to public scrutiny. I would hamper a guess that much of what transpires in here is known publicly as it now stands.

Fred McKim
10-05-2010, 07:11 AM
I think once the meeting is complete, Bob G, Lyle, and Bob A prepare a condensed version of the meeting for public consumption.

Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 07:44 AM
Hi Fred:

The Meeting Procedures state:

4. Agenda Item Summary

At 9:00 AM on the 6th, or as soon thereafter as possible, the President, or the Posting Secretary if asked by the President, will post a summary of the agenda item discussion, setting out the critical points and the majority view, if any, on any controversial issue. S/he will propose what action might be taken on the agenda item, if any, in his/her opinion. Governors will have until 9:00 PM on the 7th to respond to the President’s Summary,. Whether the President or Posting Secretary summarizes discussions during a meeting extension is optional.

Lyle Craver and I have been appointed by Bob G to split the Posting Secretary role this meeting ( whereas I was sole Posting Secretary at the April Meeting ). What this means is that I have taken on the more " administrative " aspect of the position - I drafted and posted the agenda and introductory posts, and the subsequent motion voting posts, and monitored the meeting to post any supplementary agenda items that arose that required a new post. Lyle has taken on the more " editorial " aspect of the Posting Secretary role. He will do the agenda item " summaries " for each agenda item, which are to be posted at 9:00 AM tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 6. He will likely already start preparing in draft form the numerous " summaries " today, so that by tomorrow morning, he will have all of them ready to post. Then governors will have the two days to respond to Lyle's summaries with any comments.

These summaries are then posted on the SCC Website under the Governors' Letter section as " On-line " ( see the April meeting summaries posted there as precedents ).

However, I think the fact that the public has access to the meeting in this sense, after the fact, does not completely answer the issue of whether the public should have access " during the course of the meeting ". I would like to have a thorough debate of this subject on the Governors' Discussion Board after this on-line meeting, to see if there is any consensus one way or the other. There are many topics in discussion during this meeting, and I don't think all the governors have given their full attention to this one issue. There have been few posts on it.


Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 08:13 AM
Though it has not yet been announced, this is to confirm that Les Craver and I were appointed by Bob G, to split the Posting Secretary role for this meeting. Here is my recent e-mail this morning to Les confirming that he will now take up and carry out his portion of the positon:

Hi Lyle:

Bob G has advised me before the meeting started that he has split the Posting Secretary position for the Fall meeting between us, as I had suggested, and that you agreed to this.

I therefore thought I might remind you about the “ agenda item summaries “ that you are responsible for. Here is part of a post I did today in response to a comment by Fred McKim, which gives notice to the meeting that you also are Posting Secretary for this meeting, along with me:
__________________________________________________ ____________
Oct. 5, 2010, 07:44 AM

Bob Armstrong - CFC Governor

On-line Meeting " Summaries "

Hi Fred:

The Meeting Procedures state:

4. Agenda Item Summary

At 9:00 AM on the 6th, or as soon thereafter as possible, the President, or the Posting Secretary if asked by the President, will post a summary of the agenda item discussion, setting out the critical points and the majority view, if any, on any controversial issue. S/he will propose what action might be taken on the agenda item, if any, in his/her opinion. Governors will have until 9:00 PM on the 7th to respond to the President’s Summary,. Whether the President or Posting Secretary summarizes discussions during a meeting extension is optional.

Lyle Craver and I have been appointed by Bob G to split the Posting Secretary role this meeting ( whereas I was sole Posting Secretary at the April Meeting ). What this means is that I have taken on the more " administrative " aspect of the position - I drafted and posted the agenda and introductory posts, and the subsequent motion voting posts, and monitored the meeting to post any supplementary agenda items that arose that required a new post. Lyle has taken on the more " editorial " aspect of the Posting Secretary role. He will do the agenda item " summaries " for each agenda item, which are to be posted at 9:00 AM tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 6. He will likely already start preparing in draft form the numerous " summaries " today, so that by tomorrow morning, he will have all of them ready to post. Then governors will have the two days to respond to Lyle's summaries with any comments.

These summaries are then posted on the SCC Website under the Governors' Letter section as " On-line " ( see the April meeting summaries posted there as precedents ).

__________________________________________________ ______________

As I point out, if they will be of any help, the summaries I did of the April on-line agenda items are posted on the CFC Website, as I’m sure you are aware.

This is a somewhat onerous task, and does take some time and thought to boil down all the various comments on an agenda item thread into some understandable summary. But this is very important, since it tells the governors where the discussion got to, and what might be possible action arising out of the agenda item discussion. This meets the criticism sometimes leveled at these meetings, that there was lots of talk, but nothing was finally accomplished. The summaries show that progress was made on issues, and that often an “ action direction “ was achieved. This helps show the effectiveness of our meetings.

Good luck in doing the summaries, and posting them at 9:00 AM EDT tomorrow morning, Wed., Oct. 6.


Please read Lyle's summaries carefully when posted. These summaries are not " minutes " - there is no attempt to state what everyone said. It is a general summary of issues discussed, and possible action to be taken - it involves some editorial judgment calls, and it is not easy to capture all the relevant issues in all the various posts. Please confirm that you agree with the summary content. This is also important because these summaries are then made public after the meeting as a record of our meeting - they are posted on the CFC Website. You can make any final comments you may have on the particular agenda item summary.


Fred McKim
10-05-2010, 08:19 AM
We have to remember there is a difference between an AGM of the CFC and a Governor's meeting and a Governor's letter.

We all know the effect of interactive media like this increases one's abilities to say things that might not have been said in public.

So until we have some kind of vote to tthe contrary, I think a summarized version of the meeting is most appropriate and all the members can expect.

Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 08:30 AM
There has been some concern raised about the fact that our voting, by the format provided by this discussion board, is such that a voter can first click on the vote total and see what governors have voted for what positons, before they vote.

The problem is that we need to record the names of all voters, as part of the process and this is the only option the board provides, There is no feature that allows us to block access to the voters names, prior to tabulation and recording of the vote.

Though this is not ideal, I would note that votes at the CFC AGM are public, and so everyone does know who voted for what. And we all know that there are governors at the AGM who delay putting up their hands to vote, to see which way the wind is blowing before they vote. In the same way, governors have the ability to not look at who has voted, before they vote. The names are not initially posted. You need a second click to get the names. Governors can vote blind, if they have the desire to do that. So both systems have their deficiencies.

But this whole on-line meeting procedure is such an improvement over the GL syetem, that I think we should not be too concerned about this modest deficiency. In the overall, our meeting procedures work well, and our meetings are streamlined and effective.

We can always ask Chris to look into whether there is any way to disable the name viewing option, before the voting has closed. Then it could be used when the votes are subsequently tablulated and recorded.


Fred McKim
10-05-2010, 08:46 AM
It's also possible to send a message to let's say the recording secretary with your vote, if we wanted to eliminate the process (polling process) of seeing how the voting is going prior to voting.........

Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 09:15 AM
Hi Chris:

Re: Motion Stickies

In case you missed my earlier post, here it is again:

I again found that my attempt to create sticky agenda items did not work. Please make Items # 11B, 16D, 23 & 24 ( voting items ) stickies for me.


Garland Best
10-05-2010, 10:01 AM
I agree with Fred.

Ken Craft
10-05-2010, 10:07 AM
How about we stick with the option we have started with for this meeting and review changes prior to the next one.

Lyle Craver
10-05-2010, 02:16 PM
One source of confusion with the Online Meeting is that it is in the CFC Governors Discussion area rather than segregated into its own area.

I found this the hard way when paging through the records looking for a poll that I thought I had missed.

In fact I would go so far as to say that in future such meetings all the polls should be in a common thread at the top of the Online meeting list - but either way I do not think that the online meeting messages should be in with the regular Governoratorial chit-chat.

Can I safely presume that when this meeting is over we will have a post-mortem on how it went?

Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 03:02 PM
Hi Lyle:

1. Separate forum for meeting - Chris set one up for us for this meeting, but unfortunately he forgot to give me access to the forum, and so when I came to post the agenda and introductory posts to start the meeting, the fourm would let me post - said I was not authorized. So I had to do it the same as last time - on the regular governors' discussion board. Hopefully next time we'll have a separate forum and the necessary instructions will be given to give the posting secretary access.

2. Polls together at top of screen - I did this at the April meeting and it worked fine - all motions were " stickies " and at the top of the screen - no scrolling down. Again this time Chris set it up so I could click on the " sticky " feature for the motions.....but it didn't work. They came out as ordinary threads that scroll down. Chris has said he deesn't know why it wasn't working for me. It worked for him when he corrected the situation and made threads stickies that I hadn't been able to get to work. So hopefully we won't have this glitch next time and the motion vote threads will be stickies at the top of the screen.

3. Post- Mortem : I look forward to some type of post-mortem, to see if there are improvements to be made in carrying out the meeting, or even in amending the meeting procedures if they need improvement. The procedures worked well again this time, as they did last time, but that doesn't mean they're perfect. I am already looking at one possible improvement that may be needed. Other suggestions may also be out there.


Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 09:27 PM
On Thursday, Oct. 7 at 5:00 PM EDT, Motion 2011-A, amending Motion 2010-03 ( Life Governors Subject to Activity Rule ) will become the 5th motion put to a vote ( it was originally scheduled to be posted at 9:00 PM, but this must now be advanced because I am going out of town in the late afternoon Thursday; I will be asking Bob G to appoint someone to cover for me as Posting Secretary 'til 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, Oct. 11, when I return ).

The vote on that motion will close on Saturday, Oct. 9 at 11:00 PM EDT.


Bob Armstrong
10-05-2010, 09:52 PM
Hi Chris:

Thanks for making the voting threads stickies for me.

I will try again on Thursday with Motion 2011-A when I post it for voting. But please keep an eye out for it in case it doesn't work again. I'll then have to have you make it a sticky.


Bob Armstrong
10-06-2010, 08:50 AM
This morning at around 5:50 AM , Lyle advised he could not cast a vote re Items # 16D and # 24.

I know that since midnight last night, a few votes did get cast on each of the four motions, so I am not sure when this glitch occurred.

Under each of these items, I saked that anyone else trying to vote, post whether they were able to vote or not, so we'd see if the problem was continuing.

Can you look into this and advise us if the system is now working, and whether Lyle should try again?



Bob Armstrong
10-06-2010, 09:54 AM
Hi again Chris:

Since my last post, someone has voted on the item # 11B motion, so it seems that voting thread is now working.

I have asked Lyle under that thread: could you please try voting again in this thread to see if it allows you to do so, and post here if you are successful or not?

I also asde if anyone else goes to vote, could they please post there if they are successful or not.

There have been so far no new votes on Items # 23 & 24.

So the situation is still unclear.

Let us know what you find.


Bob Armstrong
10-07-2010, 01:32 AM
As I have mentioned before, Lyle and I have split the Posting Secretary position this meeting. I have done the more " administrative " part, and Lyle did the more " editorial " part.

But I am going out of town early tonight, Thursday, Oct. 7, and will be away until the last day of the meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 12. I am being caught by the meeting extension beyond Thursday.

So Bob G has asked Lyle to now take over from me and also do the " administrative " part of the position from 5:00 PM EDT this afternoon, to the end of the meeting. I will still do one thing, however, at or shortly after 5:00 PM - I will be posting Motion 2011-A for voting, and the introductory post. Then I'm off !!

I'd like to thank in advance all the governors present, for attending, and for working with me to make this a very smooth, though perhaps not perfect, and successful, meeting to date.


Lyle Craver
10-10-2010, 11:20 AM
Governors should note that Governor Bunning's amendment has been passed and the amended motion is now open for votes.

Voting closes 2300 (11pm) EDT Tuesday October 12th

Bob Armstrong
10-11-2010, 11:19 PM
I would note ( I am no longer posting secretary, since Lyle has taken over for the last part of the meeting ):

1. Only slightly over 50% of the governors attending voted on Motion 2011-A - 22/41 ( 54 % )[ one governor voted by e-mail, rather than on the Board ];

2. Since Motion 2010-03 as amended has been posted for vote, in the first one and a half days of voting, less than 50 % of the governors have visited the meeting ( 20/41 = 49% );

3. After 1 1/2 days of voting, only 37 % of the governors attending ( 15/41 = 37% ) have voted on Motion 2010-03 as amended.


Bob Armstrong
10-13-2010, 09:57 AM
Hi Chris:

Will you now be archiving the meeting as you did with the Spring Quarterly Meeting? Might it be best to do it ASAP, before there are any more posts, and so the Governors can get their Discussion Board back again for regular ongoing dialogue?
