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Thread: 36 Concluding Address by the President

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Vancouver, BC

    Default 36 Concluding Address by the President

    Please post here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    The governors were asked to rule on motion 2011-M, a difficult decision regarding the selection of official players for the PanAm and North American Youth Championships for 2011. Our regular rules for selection of players could not be implemented as they depended on results for CYCC 2011. Special rules were needed for tournaments preceding the CYCC.

    The Youth committee was unable to reach consensus. In fact, many of the members did not participate in the discussion. This is my belief, I intend to poll the committee to ascertain the participation rate.

    Two competing motions were presented to the governors. IMHO, the governors were not sufficiently informed of the issues, and that was reflected in the vote. The governors rejected to make a decision by voting "none of the above". The motion presented by Governor Barron did receive more votes, and that fact will be taken into consideration, but IMHO, the motion is flawed. The kids who move into a higher age category are at a disadvantage. I am at a loss to understand the logic.

    The question now comes back to the CFC executive for a decision. We will deliberate and advice everyone of our decision ASAP. I will be asking all interested governors and youth committee members for their comments.

    I will delay my meeting closing remarks until this issue is resolved.

  3. #3

    Default CYCC - The Governors Got It Right

    Hi Bob:

    Although some governors may not have understood all the nuances of the proposed CYCC rules, I think they did understand something, which is reflected in the vote - that neither set of rules was good, and that the Youth Committee was being sent to quickly go back into a huddle, and come out with a true consensus set of rules.

    I supported the Jin Motion, not because I thought it was best, but because at the start it appeared there were going to be no rules, and so Anna felt there should be something. Then when Michael brought out his rules, the opinions of a number of Youth Committee members, combined with there being no vote at the Youth Committee on Michael's last minute, cobbled-together rules, convinced me that his rules also were not best. So I felt Anna's motion would put some simple rule in place, that would have been minimally satisfactory. Nothing then stopped the Youth Committee from then coming up with a consensus amendment, to be dealt with after the meeting by e-mail.

    But I think that likely the governors actually got it right, since in theory, neither rule was really satisfactory.

    Also, as I understand your last sentence, you and the executive and the Youth Committee are going to try to come to a new set of rules, supported by as many as possible, ASAP. In the meantime, the meeting more or less continues until you come back to give us a report and make your meeting closing address?


  4. #4


    Maybe we should re-open the voting booth since so few were able to find the time to vote.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default The meeting is closed

    It is time to close the meeting. The issue of selecting official players for the PanAm and North American Youth Championships is being discussed on the Youth Committee Board. I have received numerous emails on the matter as well. Our solution will be forthcoming soon and Governors will be advised.

    As for general comments on the meeting:

    Attendance was down a bit, comments and reports were a bit sparse. The tone of the meeting was much improved and that is appreciated by yours truly. We still had a few hiccups, for example the voting tally was not supposed to be viewable before polls closed. oops. Overall, the meetings are serving the purpose of getting everyone together on a regular basis to discuss the issues.

    When I look at the long agenda at these meeting, it really demonstrates the complexity of governing the CFC. It is an immense task. Just facilitating good communications amongst 60 governors, educating everyone on the issues, and finding workable solutions amongst such diverse opinions, it any wonder the road is rocky at times. Nevertheless, we are making progress and I thank everyone for their contributions.

    I was very relieved to see no angry debate on the GST/HST issue. Paul is correct, we can't continue to absorb this cost. I will instruct Gerry to begin charging tax effective May 1st, the start of the new fiscal year.

    Last year when we were looking for organizers for our national championships, I got a lot of....well, we won't be ready in 2011, but maybe I'll be looking forward to some bids at the AGM.

    That's it for now. The governors board is open for discussion 24/7, so if you want to raise an issue, no need to wait till the AGM.


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