To Change Section 1052 of the CFC Handbook.

Section 1052 currently reads:
1062. Participation in the World Event:
The winner of the event shall be eligible to participate in the World Junior event. If the winner is unable to participate, the second place finisher shall be invited to go in his place. If the second place finisher also declines, the highest finisher in the tournament who is willing to participate in the world event, shall be selected. The CFC Board of Directors shall use an appropriate tie breaking method to break ties if required to determine the order of finish. [Amended, see Motion 2003-02, 02-03GL3, December 2002]
Change to:

1062 Participation in the World Junior Championship and World Junior Girls Championship:

a) The official representative of Canada in the World Junior Championship events will be the winners of the respective National events. If the winner is unable to participate, the second place finisher shall be invited to go in his place. If the second place finisher also declines, the highest finisher in the tournament who is willing to participate in the world event shall be selected.

b) Additional players may participate, however they will not be the official Canadian representative and as such will not be entitled to any special offers from the organizer of the World event. Such players are responsible for all fees and expenses that may be involved in their participation. They must qualify in one of the three following methods:
1) Finished 1st-3rd in the National event
2) Are rated higher than 2300 CFC or 2200 FIDE (2100 CFC and 2000 FIDE for girls)
3) Participated in the National event and have a peak CFC or FIDE rating above 2000 (1800 for girls)

c) Any players who wish to participate in a World Junior Championship event who qualify under 1062.b.2 or 1062.b.3 must pay a $250 fee to the CFC in order to be eligible. Players qualifying under 1062.b.1 are exempt from paying this fee. All fees collected under this rule are to be immediately forwarded by the CFC as a principal donation to the Kalev Pugi fund to support youth chess in Canada.

d) The CFC Board of Directors shall use an appropriate tie breaking method to break ties if required to determine the order of finish. The tie breaking method must be acceptable as per CFC and FIDE rules, and must be announced prior to the start of the National event.

We've had issues trying to find the right compromise between protecting the Canadian Junior and giving our Youth access to the strongest events. This motion would allow strong players more opportunity to participate in the World Junior events, while at the same time either supporting the Canadian Junior, or supporting the Kalev Pugi fund by increasing its principal balance and by extension increasing how much support they are able to provide annually.

Some have suggested the rules for the Junior should be identical to the WYCC. That argument is valid to some extent, however with the Junior we are also dealing with University students who potentially have much less flexibility with their time. Also, were similar rules including donations to the Pugi fund put into place for the WYCC, we could see the Pugi fund rapidly grow in size which is also a great thing for Youth chess in Canada.

Having the entire fee go to the Pugi fund makes it obvious that the money will be used for Youth chess and not just go into general revenues. This 100% pass-through would not work for the WYCC since there are team expenses for that event, so some money would have to be retained for those purposes.