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Thread: 4. Executive and Officer reports

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    4E. Many things happened since my last report at AGM. Here is the "short" summary of events related to my position.

    1. FIDE

    a. FIDE Congress took place in December 2023 with 2 major events: decision about location of 2028 Olympiad (after Budapest-24 and Tashkent-26) and cancellation of terms limit for FIDE President. Bids from Abu Dhabi and Genoa looked very similar as both places are well-known touristic location and have a good infrastructure for this kind of events. Canada voted for Genoa for many reasons including cheaper transportation and more comfortable temperature.

    Bid from UAE won with significant margin, mainly because of concern from different federations (mostly Africa and Asia) about visa to Europe. We all know the serious problem with Candidates in Toronto, so visa issues are going to be the central criteria for many big international FIDE tournaments. Looks like North America is the worst place from this point and Middle East (UAE, Turkey, Azerbaijan) is the best one. Europe is somewhere in-between.

    b. Another central point was cancelation of terms limit, initiated by some American federations. This motion needed at least 2/3 of votes, as it was a constitutional change. Dvorkovich promised this terms limit during his first election in 2018 and indeed adjusted FIDE documents later, after he won the election.

    I voted against this proposal, but they got more than enough support for cancelation, 80% exactly.

    For me, it's not a problem if FIDE President runs for more than 2 terms, as many international sport federations don't have any terms limit. The problem is that Dvorkovich broke his word, which is not a good thing anywhere and not a good thing for a politician. Was this his initial plan to give such a promise to increase his support back in 2018 (he won with the total margin of 25 votes only) and cancel the rule later, or he really changed his mind now - we will never know.

    Having said that, I still think that Arkady is a very good President with excellent managing team.

    c. Rating reform

    2 months later than initially expected, but FIDE made a very important reform in rating system, adding more than 30 million rating points total. I am more optimistic now that this reform will not cause catastrophic inflation, but sure FIDE could choose better options.

    As a direct result of this reform every 2000- player got his rating 40% closed to 2000. For many Canadian girls the magic number was 1800 as they earn WCM direct title on different junior events and needed FIDE of 1800+ to comply with minimum rating floor rules. Every 1667+ player has 1800+ rating now, and Canada has many new WNMs.

    d. FIDE congress (the exact schedule is still not published) should approve GM title for Shawn Rodrigue-Lemieux and IM title for Anthony Atanasov, as they both have 3 norms and rating. Direct titles (one great result on official FIDE event + rating above the rating floor) take less time for approval, and Canada has a new IM Johnatan Han.

    Many arbiter applications for FAs and different categories of IAs are also pending for Congress approval.

    2. Important tournaments.

    a. Zonal - 2024

    Hart House won the bid for this tournament, which is just a few days away. It's looking good right now with almost 60 preregistered players for the Zonal and almost 50 for Women Zonal. Both numbers and especially the second one are significantly above my expectations and above these numbers on previous Championships.

    I am also happy to see a comfortable 7 days for 10 rounds schedule for Zonal and 6 days for 9 rounds for Women Zonal.

    b. Continental - 2024 will take place in Medellin, Colombia from May 24 to Jun 2. Canada has 1 official player for this event. The right goes to runner-up of the Zonal or highest FIDE rated Canadian if a runner-up is not interested in playing.

    c. Continental Senior will take place in Havana, Cuba from May 6 to May 12. Canada has 1 official player in every section (50+ and 65+). This right goes to winners of Canadian Senior - 2023. IM B.Hartman (the winner of 65+ section) indicated that he will not be playing, so likely we will have I.Bluvshtein (the runner-up of 65+ section) and myself (the winner of a junior section) as official players.

    d. Olympiad - 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.

    It's a very important topic, which requires a separate serious discussion, so I just going to mention a few points which I don't like in our current situation.

    - 20 games requirement for 12 months period before the deadline. I would like to change it to 10 points penalty for every game below 20. This adjustment could allow strong players like E.Hansen and E.Bareev to compete for Olympic spot

    - 5 rating points bonus for every year under 23 for young strong players. This adjustment, if implemented, could allow E.Hansen to play in 2010 (he started playing from 2012) and play in 2022. Now this adjustment may increase chances of A.Atanasov to get the Olympic spot.

    - I know about continuous attempts from FQE to send a separate Olympic Team. FQE also insists that Quebec Team would have the first choice for local players (like Shawn, Bator or Maili). The situation was discussed multiple times on CFC board and board members didn't support the idea (to say the least).

    I sent an email to some important FIDE officials (including FIDE general manager E.Sutovsky) a few day ago and got the following reply.

    "This obviously contradicts the Olympic regulations.
    Only national federations and affiliated members (already accepted affiliated organizations with a specific territory, such as Isle of Man) can participate.

    Firstly, Quebec is not accepted as an affiliated member of FIDE, so even technically it could not apply, and only the General Assembly can accept it; secondly, one of the mandatory documents for consideration of an application is the consent of the “mother” federation, that is, the Canadian Federation . Their application cannot be considered without your consent.".

    Personally, I don't think that FQE has more rights to send a separate team than, for example, OCA, ACA, GTCL or many other provincial associations.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Just want to add, that FIDE reply, mentioned in my previous post, was from A.Martynov (the head of FIDE legal department). I used google translator from Russian.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Rules has changed Mr. Plotkin. FIDE now permit regional affiliation for distinct society like Quebec. To compare Quebec with GTCL is absurd.

    "I know about continuous attempts from FQE to send a separate Olympic Team. FQE also insists that Quebec Team would have the first choice for local players (like Shawn, Bator or Maili). The situation was discussed multiple times on CFC board and board members didn't support the idea (to say the least)" (Victor Plotkin).

    This statement is incorrect. There was only two previous attempts done in the past, a very long time ago. And the CFC will have the absolute first choice to compose the best Canadian team possible. Canada 2 (Quebec) will be composed with substitute players. Mr. Plotkin, if you want to have the correct information in the future, i suggest you call the FQE office at : 514-252-3034.

  4. #14
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    Aug 2018

    Default 4F. Youth Coordinator reports

    4F. Youth Coordinator reports

    This year we are seeing a significantly increase interests in the Youth Chess. As from Vlad's report, we are seeing lot of youth players has dramatically improve their chess knowledge. We are also seeing parents are more eager, involved and willing to travel in youth chess. This year CFC is doing more educational presentation to parents who will definitely help on the grow of youth chess.

    From my last report since Sept 2023, our youth players have did an amazing performance in the following amazing events.

    1. FIDE World School Chess Championships, Lima Peru, April 30 - May 10, 2024
    FIDE announced this tournament on Mar 17 and the deadline is April 6.
    This leave me a very short period of time to setup the team for this event.

    CFC Chess Forum post:
    A CFC google registration form is created for interested players to register.

    2. FIDE World Junior Chess Championships, Gujarat India, Jun 1 - 14, 2024
    FIDE annouced the World Junior on March 17 and the official deadline date is April 1, 2024. I already wrote the email to extend the deadline date.
    Our Canadian Junior which is the qualifying tournament to World Junior will be hosted by Excelsior Chess Club from April 10 - 14, 2024
    Canadian Junior post:!
    A CFC registration form will be created shortly.

    3. Canadian Schools Team Championships, June 8, 2024
    After a very successfully start from last year, we received many inquiry from players that they are very interested on this event. Vlad Rekhson and I have numerous talk to see if we can incorporate this event into CFC calendar. We are proposed to host this tournament online on Jun 8, 2024.
    So far, FIDE doesn't not have World Schools Team Championships in their calendar for 2024.
    Vlad will work on more details about this event, and once we finalize it, we will announce it and hope many teams will join from across Canada.

    4. World U08-U10-U12, Batumi Georgia, June 22- Jul 3, 2024
    This is a brand new tournament and will only invite 48 players top rated players around the world from each age category.
    Canada does not qualified for any spot based on article 3.4-3.8 requirements. But at the end, Canada received 12 wildcards for this event.
    Official website:
    CFC Chess Forum Post:

    12 players are awarded for this tournament:
    U08O Elliot McCallum and Zhihan, Xu
    U08G Elizabeth Nagnibedovsky and Anne Gao

    U10O Modith Aaroh Mutyalapati and Raunak Amit Ramesan
    U10G Florence Zixin Xu and Ashley Fu

    U12O Daniel Joshua Lee and Zeming Yin
    U12G April Wang and Joanne Wangluo

    U12O Mendes Aaron Mendes will register as Personal Right player as he is ranked top 3 in FIDE rating system.

    5. Canadian Youth Chess Championship at Laval Quebec, July 9-12, 2024
    CYCC official website :
    CFC Chess Forum post:
    I had been working diligently with CYCC organizer, clubs from across Canada, and players in question to ensure the players are all validated and eligible to play in CYCC.
    This year we adopt a new rule. CFC allowed the players to register first and get qualified before Jul 1, 2024. This way, more players can benefit from early bird discount as many regional qualifiers are run very later in the year.

    CFC has created a weekly updated Qualified List so parents can check if players are on the qualified list.
    CFC has also created a one-time Pre-Qualified List. This list has top 10 players from each age category base on Mar 1, 2024 rating. These players are all pre-qualified into CYCC.

    On Mar 20, we had 301 players registered into the CYCC and we expect we will have an new breaking breaking number for this year.

    6. PanAmerican Youth Chess Championships, Orlando Florida, Jul 15- 20, 2024
    This year, even PanAm Youth is in USA, but the registration has to go thru the Federation.
    Official website:
    CFC Chess Forum Post:
    A CFC registration form is created and players start to fill in the form.
    The official players will be selected based on the 2023 CYCC final standings.

    7. North American Junior U20, Calgary AB, Aug 14-18, 2024
    Official website:
    Registration is open for all Canadian players.

    There are tremendous amount of works involved in setting up each team. Even I am overwhelmed with this workloads, I am still very happy to see Canadian youth are shining in all international stages.

    Finally, congratulation to all players and thank you to all parents who support your children on all these chess journeys. CFC also thanks to all organizers who run tournaments to provide the best environment for our young players to grow.

    CFC Youth Coordinator
    Last edited by Christina Tao; 03-20-2024 at 01:56 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Bérubé View Post
    Rules has changed Mr. Plotkin. FIDE now permit regional affiliation for distinct society like Quebec. To compare Quebec with GTCL is absurd.

    "I know about continuous attempts from FQE to send a separate Olympic Team. FQE also insists that Quebec Team would have the first choice for local players (like Shawn, Bator or Maili). The situation was discussed multiple times on CFC board and board members didn't support the idea (to say the least)" (Victor Plotkin).

    This statement is incorrect. There was only two previous attempts done in the past, a very long time ago. And the CFC will have the absolute first choice to compose the best Canadian team possible. Canada 2 (Quebec) will be composed with substitute players. Mr. Plotkin, if you want to have the correct information in the future, i suggest you call the FQE office at : 514-252-3034.
    Using word "absurd" regarding my personal opinion doesn't contribute to respectful discussion. Usually, I trust numbers more than words, and numbers tell me that:

    1. GTCL has more CFC members than FQE.
    2. Financially, GTCL contributes more than FQE to the CFC revenue.
    3. GTCL has more voting members.
    4. Last Olympiad, out of 11 Team members (players + captains), at least 5 were from GTCL, but only 1 from Quebec.

    About "first choice". My understanding is based on emails from CFC President and his negotiations with FQE about possible team from Quebec.

    Also, I have inside information about FQE communications with some Canadian strong players (who have a great chance to make a Canadian Team) about idea to play for Quebec. Is it the "absolute first choice" you agree to give to the CFC?

    One of the main goals for this meeting in general and for CFC officers reports especially, is to let other voting members know more about current situation. Also, transparency is always my top priority, so in this case public and fair discussion would be better than some secret negotiations. For many years, CFC - FQE relationship and agreements were not open and not transparent. As a result, we have a current situation, there FQE talks to FIDE over the head of the CFC and tries to undermine CFC efforts for the strongest possible Olympic Team.
    Last edited by Victor Plotkin; 03-20-2024 at 06:40 AM.

  6. #16
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    As I said previously to the FQE and to the CFC Board of directors we are not interested in any "divorce" from the FQE as relations have been quite good. A situation where some or all of the Quebec players are no longer available to the CFC because we are suddenly separate federations would not work. To be fair, in our discussions with the FQE the principle that the first CFC team would always be composed of players that made that team the strongest possible including players from Quebec. This is critical as World Cup spots and other benefits from FIDE accrue based on standing in the Olympiad. Slippage by a few places can mean the difference between one and two spots in the World Cup. Based on what I have seen and heard the best hope for a Canada 1 and Canada 2 and a Canada 3 would be for Canada to host the Olympiad which seems a heavy lift at this point without a much better relationship with the government and sponsors.

    The Canadian Olympic Committee which I believe shares space with the FQE in the same building has been quite interested in the relationship between the CFC and the FQE especially in the moment where we needed to renew our position under the umbrella of the Canadian Olympic Committee when they went through their transition to the new Canada Not For Profit Act around 2014 to 2015. The Chess Federation of Canada falls short in the area of offering bilingual and French language services. We recognize this and the FQE can and does help us in this regard and in the future will likely do more. Players from Quebec are all Canadians and we don't look and see what part of the country they come from before deciding to support them. The FQE have had a more solid financial footing than the CFC because they receive funding from the Quebec government. We receive no government funding.

    In every letter that I sent with regard to the recent FIDE Candidates and Women's Candidates tournament I noted that the CFC is recognized by FIDE and the COC as the NSO or National Sports (Sporting) Organization or governing body for chess in Canada. At all times the leadership of the FQE have acknowledged this and have expressed good will towards the CFC and our relationship. We have had more than one discussion of the need for all of us to be working together and rowing in the same direction. I appreciate the efforts of the FQE which have contributed the furthering of chess in Canada and in the world. Our relationship with the FQE is a strategic asset whose value should not be overlooked. Our status with the COC is also a strategic asset which should not be put at risk without understanding the consequences. Eric Bopala and Richard Bérubé are both friends of the CFC, chess in Canada and myself.

    I hope that in the future everyone involved in chess politics appreciates all of these realities. The situation for chess in Canada and in the world has never been brighter. Lets continue to grow the pie for everyone. Let us continue to work together.

  7. #17
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    The first board discussion about FQE proposal was initiated by Vlad in October 2023. A few days later we had a voting. All 8 CFC directors voted against this proposal. (CFC didn't have a Women Coordinator that time). Also, it was agreement that I will inform FIDE about CFC position, which I did in my email to Sutovsky/Martynov.

    A few weeks later, in November I got an opportunity to talk to Arkady Dvorkovich face-to-face. Here is my report to CFC directors about it:

    "Just had a nice 20-min conversation with Arkady (breakfast, Italy, World Senior). He came for 1 day visit, so I shouldn't expect more of his time and attention. Major points:

    1. FIDE is very concerned about VISA for candidates. Russians and especially Indians. Any help from us would be appreciated.

    2. Absolutely no chance that FIDE will allow a separate team and affiliated status for Quebec without the CFC content. Clear letter (which I already provided to Sutovsky/Martynov) is enough. Looks like Arkady has even more hawkish position on this issue than me. We both see Isle of Man and other British territories as a completely different situation. Affiliated status is only for them.

    3. We also discussed overlap between next Olympiad (Budapest, Sep 2024) and next World Senior (probably, Romania, Sep 2024). He promised to fix this problem."

    Hopefully, I am allowed to copy/paste my own email.

    Honestly, after this I believed that I am done with this issue. However, about a week ago I got a new information about FQE. I sent another email to FIDE officials and received a reply, which I already quoted in my initial post.
    Last edited by Victor Plotkin; 03-20-2024 at 02:23 PM.

  8. #18
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    Thanks Vladimir! you have well summarized our previous discussion, and as you said, FQE is strongly supporting the CFC. The point here is that we can reinforce Canada's chess position in the world by supporting the affiliation of FQE to FIDE, since Canada can have team 1, 2 and 3. We have to focus on what can improve the Canadian footprint for chess in the world. This is in line with FQE’s aspirations towards FIDE. There is no intention of any divorce, Chess in Canada will be strengthened by better collaboration between the two federations.

    As an example, let cite the work accomplished by the Canadian embassy and the general delegation of Quebec in several countries. The FQE affiliation to FIDE will open the door to Canada to have more chess teams representing Canada as we used to, in the Olympiad for example. FQE agreed that CFC will have the first choice in order to present the best Team possible at the Olympiad, including chess players from Quebec.

    As my friend Vladimir said, CFC and FQE have a very good relationship! We want to keep working together to go farther as much as possible to improve chess in Canada. This opportunity is an unexpected chance, considering the support of the CFC, to develop chess games in Canada for the benefit of our chess players.

  9. #19
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    Eric, would you support having the OCA and BCCF also affiliated with FIDE? We'd then have team 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and would REALLY reinforce Canada's chess position in the world!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don Parakin View Post
    Eric, would you support having the OCA and BCCF also affiliated with FIDE? We'd then have team 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and would REALLY reinforce Canada's chess position in the world!
    I would like to remind all chess friends that Quebec is a distinct society, by the act of the Parliament of Canada, the Quebecers are recognized as a nation. Unlike the provinces of Canada, Quebec has exclusive jurisdiction over its taxation system, pensions, immigration, and other crucial aspects of its administrative and police authority. Quebec has its own Ministry of International Relations; in many countries, like I said the Canadian Embassy and the General delegation of Quebec are working together for the best of Canada. Quebec is a full member of the « Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie », also of the « Organisation internationale de la francophonie », and a strong member of AIDEF "Association Internationale des Échecs Francophones. Quebec also has a representative to UNESCO, participates in the Organization of American States, and more. Further more, Quebec is the only nation in Canada with French as of it's official language.

    Let's keep in mind that the FQE affiliation to FIDE will open the door to Canada to have more chess teams representing Canada as we used to, in the Olympiad for example. FQE is agreed to allow for Canada Team 1 to be the strongest possible according to CFC choices that include chess players from Quebec.
    Last edited by Eric Bopala; 03-21-2024 at 11:26 AM.

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