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Thread: 5A1. DISCUSSION ITEMS - Chess after COVID

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Vancouver, BC

    Default 5A1. DISCUSSION ITEMS - Chess after COVID

    This section is reserved for a general discussion on how organized Chess is recovering from COVID.

    The national Executive realizes different parts of the country are recovering at different rates and we would appreciate both your summary of how Chess is progressing in your region, coming events and a general discussion of how Assembly members feel we should proceed from here both in terms of local events and national events.
    Last edited by Lyle Craver; 09-05-2022 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tecumseh, ON
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    Covid is very much still with us in less virulent forms. I talked to a doctor yesterday and he said that no one was dying from it (even very old people with many complicating health issues), though everyone was getting it. Several of my adult students who are out in the world have recently caught covid and recovered. Several family members have caught it more than once despite being fully vaccinated and/or boosted fully. It is likely that Covid will be with us forever but for most people the consequences will be less than a cold or flu bout. Some people will have a more adverse reaction so you still have to take it seriously.

    While Covid was raging we did move online though half-heartedly with rating everything rapid. I think this was a successful idea as it kept some money flowing. It kept up interest and we had the Covid rating incentive which saw some people (mostly juniors) boost their ratings as much as 600 to 800 rating points.

    I think we need to continue to have an online presence for strategic and financial reasons. That is going to be the future of chess in the long term. I believe that with new developments in anti-cheating technology we will soon reach the point where cheating will not be possible without being caught. We are pretty close to that point now though the online platforms have some issues with false positives particularly with fast improving juniors.

    I believe that in two years we should be in a more secure situation with less health risk from Covid and everyone returning who is inclined to return to playing over the board chess. There are very encouraging signs in some record tournament numbers with some events being limited in numbers and forced to apply cutoff dates as early as the early bird entry dates. The demand is there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Speaking from experience with the Banff Open which is held Nov 11-13.
    2020 - Tournament Cancelled due to Covid.
    2021 - 100 participants (kept at 100 for social distancing), with strict Covid protocols including players being vaccinated or testing negative within 48 hours. Mandatory masks indoors, no shaking of hands, etc.
    2022 - 130 participants (with a growing waiting list). This year there will be very few Covid restrictions. No masks, no testing, no vax required.

    We noticed a record turnout this year. Our tournament selling out over 2 months before it began.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Victoria BC


    BC tournaments are also attracting record turnouts. Some are reaching maximum capacity well before the events.
    Our biggest challenge is finding affordable playing sites. Meeting room and guest room rates have increased sharply in both Vancouver and Victoria.
    Paul Leblanc
    Treasurer, Chess Foundation of Canada
    CFC Voting Member

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Leblanc View Post
    BC tournaments are also attracting record turnouts. Some are reaching maximum capacity well before the events.
    Our biggest challenge is finding affordable playing sites. Meeting room and guest room rates have increased sharply in both Vancouver and Victoria.
    This sharply increasing room rates is a Canada-wide and perhaps a world-wide issue. The hotel room that I stayed in when I was getting the Indian visa was $160+. The last time I stayed in it a few years ago the price was less than half of that. I think we have to negotiate with the hotels as they are the ones who make the most money from chess tournaments.

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