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Thread: CFC FIDE Representative election - Feb 2021

  1. #331
    Join Date
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    Kanata, Ottawa, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by Pierre Dénommée View Post
    Part 2 of Danny Goldenberg message

    Originally Posted by Danny Goldenberg

    Dear Mr. Marghetis,

    There is no confusion what so ever, if you take time to read my post carefully. However, I was of a much higher opinion of Mr. Plotkin. Very interesting attempt to try to manipulate my words, but I guess, he has a goal and he doesn't care about the measures.

    To clarify! I have questions in regards to WHY REALLY Mr. Marghetis is supporting Mr. Plotkin. Subsequently, I was offering to the ones (like ME! after an initial phone conversation with Aris Marghetis) who wanted to support HIS CANDIDATURE (Aris) not to vote! Lets wash our hands from all the dirt!

    I think that this time the message is crystal clear!

    That is where my input will end, with all the due respect to Mr. Marghetis and Mr. Plotkin.

    Good luck to your clan sirs!


    IA / FM Danny Goldenberg

    P.S. Hope this FINAL reply will be shares as well. Thank you!
    Respectfully Danny, I wasn't trying to manipulate your words at all.
    The misundersanding was on the part of Victor Itkin, so I thought others might have the same misunderstanding.

  2. #332
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Aris, only now I understand why you were so hard to reach. It wasn't so much because of your family health issues - I've noticed that you are very active on this Forum! No - it was because you were not interested to participate in the public debates: if you'd agreed then your man Victor would have been exposed. And your silence in spite of Michael Barron's reminder allowed Victor automatically get out of the debates.

    And you know why neither of you wanted publicly debate Vadim? Because it would publicly exposed your inferiority! Both of you can not touch Vadim on merits. Your only chance was to keep throwing all kind of mud and to see if something will stick! Maybe a telephone call from Russia? No provided information either. But I think I've already figured out what's really happening!

    Sasha Starr, VM.

  3. #333
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Dear People,

    Something has to be done to avoid such acrimonious display in the future. Imagine somebody visiting this forum for first time. Maybe it would be a good idea to incorporate Mrs Patricia Gamliel on the CFC executive board. As a respected lawyer, she will bring a better work of ethic. By the way, here is the Governance code of the FQE as impose by the Québec Government. There is many good ideas for the CFC here.

    The directors are collectively responsible for the governance and achievements of their organization.

    • Effective structure
    The organization has an effective governance structure in which roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

    • Leadership
    The Board of Directors exercises its leadership through the democratic legitimacy of
    its members, its collective vision of development, the diversity of the skills and expertise of its directors and its ability to make informed, impartial decisions.

    • Impartiality and independence
    In the decision-making process, the directors and management staff act without bias
    and with independence. Their attitude must seek, as much as possible, to eliminate subjectivity in their judgment.

    • Ethics
    The directors and management personnel adhere to high standards of integrity and ethics.

    • Policies, Procedures and Compliance
    The organization’s modus operandi is based on responsible policies and procedures
    that are controlled, audited and known by the directors. It complies with applicable laws and other public standards.

    • Communication
    The organization operates transparently, with clear and complete accountability to
    its members, stakeholders and the public (government department, funding partners, etc.).
    Although ineffective governance is not widespread in Québec sport and recreation organizations, it is still important to identify its known causes in this type of organization: indifference or inexperience on the part of directors and managers, conflicts of interest, lack of vision and planning, lack of risk analysis, inadequate financial controls and monitoring, and mismanaged internal administration and accountability processes.

  4. #334
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Aris Marghetis View Post
    Respectfully Danny, I wasn't trying to manipulate your words at all.
    The misundersanding was on the part of Victor Itkin, so I thought others might have the same misunderstanding.
    I would not call this "misunderstanding". This phrase was worded by Mr. Goldenberg in a very confusing manner. But I have accurately quoted it with "copy - paste" prior to my reply post, in order to make sure that any voting member can understand it as per his/her own interpretation. And then I asked for your comment, for further certainty.

  5. #335
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Dear Executive, and all participants of this lively discussion,

    We can do better than this!
    Let’s have the FIDE Representative election as scheduled and put this story behind us. There is no point in postponing the election as it seems that the voting members have already made their choices. Postponing the elections will not be helpful and may make things worse.

    Best Wishes to All!

  6. #336
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    According to the testimony provided by V. Bykov, he initiated the contact with Vladimir. Did Bykov know about the friendship and partnership between us? Absolutely not.

    Vadim Tsypin knows me pretty well. However, he didn't know, until this week, about my good friend's existence. Why should Mr. Bykov have called my friend? He didn't know that Vladimir has a friend in Canada. The only logical explanation for this chain of calls is an attempt by Vadim Tsypin to put pressure on me. Vadim is very capable, and learned about my connection with my good friend through the Internet (or other sources), and then he informed Bykov, who, unfortunately, was forced to do the dirty work.

    I tried hard, and was unable to understand any other possible logical motives behind this. If Vadim had just wanted to communicate with me, as said in Bykov's testimony, he had my email, my phone number, and has contacted me several times during this campaign. I have always been willing to communicate. Why try to create an unusual change of calls instead of just contacting me directly? A very logical reason could be that a direct call did not serve Vadim's intentions.

    Unrelated, but relevant: Sasha Starr believes that his show is the center of the universe. Fine. But I don't share this opinion. Very few people watch this show, and during his appearance on the show, Vadim mostly reiterated what he had said in his own presentation to some CFC members, including myself, around 2-3 weeks before his appearance on the show. I don't understand why my refusal to participate in this show could lead to his continuous accusations regarding, in his opinion, my lack of positive personality traits.

    Before this campaign, I was pretty sure that the less I communicate with the other two candidates, the better our relationship after the election will be. I mentioned this point in my program. And I feel that I need to repeat this message.

    In 2012, I participated in a campaign for National Team Captaincy alongside two other, very strong opponents: Y. Ochkoos and V. Rekhson. It was imperative for me not only to win this election, but also to remain on good terms with the other two candidates, and I am thrilled that I was able to achieve both goals.

    How did I achieve this? I didn't speak about the election with Ochkoos (or Rekhson) at all during this time, although we met weekly, as he was Mark's chess coach, and we would play blitz regularly after the lesson. I never contacted any of the five team members who elected the captain, and I am 100% sure that both other candidates used a similar approach. Effective.

  7. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred McKim View Post
    I have asked the President to delay the vote for FIDE Representative, while everything plays out that is now going on "behind the scene". It is impossible to vote intelligently at the moment.

    I have not seen this. I have been in discussions with Mr. Dvorkovich and the FIDE lawyer asked me to post this.

  8. #338
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    FIDE’s investigation
    You replied on Tue 2021-02-23 5:23 PM

    Aleksandr Martynov

    Tue 2021-02-23 3:01 PM

    Dear Mr. Bond and Mr. Drkulec.

    As a FIDE lawyer, I would like to state that it was with a great concern that we learned the information published today at the Chesstalk Canada. I would like to assure you with all responsibility that the current FIDE management has always adhered to the highest ethical standards in its work. In this regard, today it was decided to suspend the powers of Mr. Tsypin as a member of the FIDE Management Board and to conduct an urgent investigation into the available facts. In the very near future, I will also send each of you, as well as other persons, an official request regarding detailed explanations about the situation, starting with allegations expressed by Mr.Bond on chesstalk, and up to the most recent developments. I would appreciate it if one of you could post my letter on the Chesstalk Canada, so that the Canadian public will be informed of FIDE's strict commitment to high ethical standards.

    Please, confirm receipt of this letter

    Sincerely yours, Aleksandr Martynov
    FIDE Legal Advisor

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  9. #339
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    After extremely rude and insensitive messages from Sasha Starr regarding Aris' family, Victor Itkin, and myself, I don't see any reason to continue answering his questions. Even if I answer ALL his questions, he will create a new set of questions. His mind is already made up about this election, and I have no desire to change this.

  10. #340
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
    After extremely rude and insensitive messages from Sasha Starr regarding Aris' family, Victor Itkin, and myself, I don't see any reason to continue answering his questions. Even if I answer ALL his questions, he will create a new set of questions. His mind is already made up about this election, and I have no desire to change this.
    I've said nothing that could be construed as extremely rude and insensitive. Only in your imagination.

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