Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
What I don't get is why for decades I and others have been able to withdraw from CFC+FIDE rated Ottawa weekend swiss sectional events, with no questions asked by an organizer/TD regarding what excuse I might have. I (and others) have often simply withdrawn from such a swiss event because we were having a lousy tournament. Fwiw, I've never been hassled by the CFC (or FIDE) about it, such as by an email.

No, it seems clear to me that scores of Canadian chess players, including myself, are being implicitly called unethical by FIDE in this regard.

FIDE. Who are these body cavities?
Kevin, I think you're causing concern for your self needlessly. The situations you describe seem like common-sense situations, where for decades, Organizers/TDs thank the player for advising them of their departure, don't pair them, and they get to clean up one more board setting earlier lol. I really think that the new FIDE guidelines apply to players who leave even after being paired, or worse, leave round-robins. Vlad or anyone else from the Executive, do you agree with my view?