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Thread: 2. Opening Comments of Chair

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    North Vancouver, BC

    Default 2. Opening Comments of Chair

    Here we welcome our President Vladimir Drkulec

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Tecumseh, ON
    Blog Entries


    I would like to welcome all the voting members to this outgoing annual meeting of the CFC voting members.

    Things are going quite well for the CFC as memberships and tournament rating fees are up. The financials are in better shape than we have seen in a long time. We should see a record surplus though I am still waiting for the final results. We have a new regime at FIDE led by president Arkady Dvorkovich that seems to be doing a very good job running FIDE and promoting chess and linking up with sponsors including one of my favourites, Coca Cola (Diet Coke in my case).

    With the CFC growing, we are experiencing growing pains. Bob Gillanders is stressed at times and deadlines sometimes slip. We will need to make adjustments and find ways of outsourcing and streamlining some of the workload. The biggest frustration is that financial results are often late in coming and as a result the board (executive) is often flying blind. We have had some issues with the website which is currently residing on a server in Bob's residence. I would like to move that onto a more professional website hosting service.

    Currently we are stalled on the GoMembership platform adoption. We really need to get this done as once completed it will offer streamlined membership services including payments and accounting and will offer a professional platform for chess organizations throughout Canada if they wish to sign on.

    We are going to ask you to vote on two changes to the handbook rules. The first is an update of the appeals procedure proposed by Aris Marghetis. There is an increase of the appeal fee though this is usually refunded for all but frivolous appeals. There is also an update to the language to reflect the fact that most people use email these days and not Canada Post.

    The second motion is a change of the usual 168 day deadline for the Women's Olympiad Team to 90 days so that we can use the results of the Easter weekend 2020 Canadian Women's Closed in Kingston to help determine the composition of the team. The women have really been making some strides lately and the competition to make the team should be intense this year.
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 08-24-2019 at 02:31 PM.

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