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Thread: Spring Online Meeting of Voting Members May 27th to June 3rd, 2018 AGENDA

  1. #1
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    Default Spring Online Meeting of Voting Members May 27th to June 3rd, 2018 AGENDA

    Agenda for Spring Meeting 2018

    1. Agenda
    2. Opening Comments of Chair
    3. voting member Sign-in - sign in by voting for any of the options
    4. Reports (Executive members and Officers please post your reports here)
    A. President
    B. Vice President
    C. Secretary
    D. Past President
    E. FIDE Representative
    F. Youth Coordinator
    G. Masters Representative
    H. Woman’s Coordinator
    I. Rating Auditor
    J. Chess Foundation of Canada
    K. Kalev Pugi Fund
    L. Treasurer
    M. Executive Director: Financial Report

    5A Discussion Items
    1) Halifax Sport Tourism Conference, Aftermath and Implications

    2) Go Membership platform
    3) Developments and Directions in Canadian Chess
    4) CFC Handbook
    5) New business

    A) Discussion Item: Complaint about the rudeness of CFC president Vlad Drkulec toward Neil Frarey on Chesstalk

    5B Motions No motions have yet been received.

    Part II "The Voting Booth" Voting on motions

    Attention voting members: the voting period if required is day 4 (May 30) through day 7 (June 2)

    6.Voting on motions

    Part II At end of meeting
    7. Closing Comments by Chair
    8. Adjournment

  2. #2
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    It is still possible to add items to the agenda by sending them in with enough allowance in time to send out notifications three weeks prior to the meeting. Discussion items can be added through New Business up to and including the time of the meeting but voting items have to have sufficient notification and be properly formulated in order to be considered.

  3. #3
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    I got one or two very late bounces of emails from voting member accounts arising from my original notice to members. Please make sure that we have up to date information on your email address as we can't provide notification to you if we don't know your email address. It is still possible to add items to the agenda until next week in the case of motions. Discussion items can be added even once the meeting is underway. Motions are not possible once the notice period of 3 weeks has passed. Motions need buy in of at least one member of the board, in general in order to be considered this late before a meeting.
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 04-29-2018 at 06:18 PM.

  4. #4
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    The Saskatchewan Chess Federation would like to submit a motion for the 2018 Spring Online Meeting:

    1) Starting in 2019, every junior player from a province that hosts the CYCC is eligible to play in the CYCC provided he or she took part in a local CYCC qualification tournament for which the organizer had remitted the fees to the CFC (i.e., any child who played, regardless of the result achieved, will have the right to go to the CYCC).

    2) Starting in 2019, if junior player from any province couldn't take part in any local CYCC qualification tournament, he or she becomes eligible by remitting a fee that is split between the CFC and the provincial chess federation.

    3) The exact amount of the fee and the split details are to be reviewed periodically. For 2019-2022, the fee is set at $40, with 75% going to the CFC and 25% to the provincial federation.

    4) The above stipulations are optional; it is up to the local organizers to choose if they shall apply.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir Drkulec View Post
    The Saskatchewan Chess Federation would like to submit a motion for the 2018 Spring Online Meeting:

    1) Starting in 2019, every junior player from a province that hosts the CYCC is eligible to play in the CYCC provided he or she took part in a local CYCC qualification tournament for which the organizer had remitted the fees to the CFC (i.e., any child who played, regardless of the result achieved, will have the right to go to the CYCC).

    2) Starting in 2019, if junior player from any province couldn't take part in any local CYCC qualification tournament, he or she becomes eligible by remitting a fee that is split between the CFC and the provincial chess federation.

    3) The exact amount of the fee and the split details are to be reviewed periodically. For 2019-2022, the fee is set at $40, with 75% going to the CFC and 25% to the provincial federation.

    4) The above stipulations are optional; it is up to the local organizers to choose if they shall apply.

    I would suggest to leave the amount of the fee agreeable between the local provincial federation and CFC. Each province has different entry fee and fund raising structure. In BC, we currently has the entry fee of $65 to the BCYCC, and we provide travel subsidy of $250 for 1st place winners in all 12 sections (6 open and 6 girls). We certain do not want to see that a $40 fee be a cheap way to skip the provincial qualifying tournament.

    Michael Lo

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    Remember that the Saskatchewan Federation is basically starting almost from zero with its junior programs. There are four junior members from Saskatchewan. I would prefer to forgo the fee and make any change temporary. Alternatively maybe we can give the provincial junior coordinator some additional power to appoint players who can play. Saskatchewan is a big province geographically and it may be difficult for players in outlying districts to travel to whatever YCC's that are taking place.

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    Default Discussion Item - A proposal to increase membership fees for junior players

    The following motion was received after the deadline for including motions and providing the requisite notice. It can be taken up for discussion at the Spring meeting and depending on the results of discussion may be taken up at the AGM in August.
    I like to submit motions to increase our revenues as follows:

    1. Increase Jr. membership fees to match adult membership fees.
    2. Increase Jt. Rating fees from $0.50 to $1.00
    3. Increase YCC qualifiers fees to $5 per player, and $2 of this go to general revenues

    I believe the chess parents will not object to increasing membership fees $1 a month. It is insignificant relative to the cost of educating their kid for lessons and other activities.
    With the extra money we can do more things.

    See the stats:

    Jr Members are almost as many as adult members in total.
    We have more paying Junior members in Ontario than adult members. 555 vs 486
    We put more effort in organizing the juniors.

    Best Regards,

    Undriadi Benggawan
    CFC Junior Coordinator

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    I attended OYCC shortly after receiving this proposal. There were no serious objections from parents with regard to raising membership fees. This was a surprise to me. Most compared the costs of participating in chess to the costs of participating in other activities favourably.

    I don't think that any fees collected from YCC's should go to the CFC general fund. Perhaps part of the money can be earmarked for the cost of sending juniors to events like the regular Olympiad but beyond that YCC funds in my opinion should be purely used for WYCC/WCCC and other similar projects as was the original intention.
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 05-19-2018 at 10:54 AM.

  9. #9
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    Default Discussion Item: Complaint about the rudeness of CFC president Vlad Drkulec toward Ne

    I hereby submit the following motion:

    Whereas on November 24th at 2:25PM, Vlad Drkulec, President of the Chess Federation of Canada, publicly compared someone to a person with autism as a form of insult on the chesstalk message board, and continues to repeatedly use public forums to insult and attack the character of persons;

    Be it resolved that this behavior is not acceptable of the person representing the public face of the Chess Federation of Canada, and that the President should post a public apology for his actions, or step down from the Office of President of the Chess Federation of Canada.

    Garland Best
    Last edited by Vladimir Drkulec; 05-19-2018 at 12:41 PM.

  10. #10
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    Neil Frarey has become inactive either because of the policies of the new owner of Chesstalk or because his life is no longer as empty as it once was. The trolls of Chesstalk also no longer seem to post much, most likely due to the new policies regarding trolls. I will not be posting a public apology for my actions which Garland has mischaracterized in my opinion.

    Mr. Frarey has a tendency to repeat business buzz words like "data mining" like a practitioner of dark arts might repeat an incantation read from moldy handbound and handwritten books of spells. Here as in the previous case, I was making an analogy. In the previous case I was remarking on the amazing ability of an autistic teen to repeat word for word a baseball broadcast which he had previously heard. Mr. Frarey has not shown such amazing abilities to date but then, neither have most of us. Neil has shown a propensity to believe that buzzwords can somehow help us. I am aware of the buzzwords but do not share Neil's enthusiasm for them nor his impression of their utility in our CFC example.

    This matter was discussed by the executive. I put forward a procedure whereby I might be removed as president with the cooperation of the board. No one took up the idea.

    In the case of people who attack the CFC and me personally, I am going to be unpleasant to them. I will probably not be as unpleasant as they deserve but it will probably not be an enjoyable exchange for them, nor should I or anyone else who has the CFC's best interests in mind expect me to pretend that they are something other than what they are.

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