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Thread: 43rd World Chess Olympiad - Batumi, Georgia, Sept. 23

  1. #11
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  2. #12
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    Default What's good for Canadian chess is what matters - not politics!

    First of all, the US DoJ sanctions list is essentially the US regime appying their laws extra-territorally. It's what brutal empires do. It's the US belching out that it does not approve.

    I mean, really. Think about it. The only institution with the legitimate authority to impose sanctions is an international body, like the UN for example, and not the world gendarme whose HQ is Washington, DC.

    This is the first reason that such sanctions are wrong.

    This is beside the fact that it is the US government, covertly and overtly, along with its NATO allies (like Turkey, but not exclusively), the Gulf monarchist autocratic dictatorships, Saudi Arabia, a certain middle-eastern state with a blue and white flag, and so on, who have been funding, training, arming, giving loving medical attention to, supporting logistically, etc., etc., the terrorists ... who change their names just often enough to confuse the victims of MSM. All of this is well documented and the policy is continuous, with a few bumps, between Obama and Trump.

    Most recently, and very ominously, the US administration has: killed Syrian-allied fighters who were fighting the terrorists; made a smooth and seamless transition in the oil fields from terrorist control to de facto Kurdish control (inside Syria, i.e., as an illegal occupier); and, despite the brazen violation of the sovereignty of UN-member state Syria, brayed aloud that "they won't be leaving anytime soon". This is the same menu item as a whole series of states: former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq x 2, Libya, now Syria and Yemen. Libya has become, effectively, a kind of nursery for terrorists. The hubris of lecturing others, including the President of FIDE, for example, about terrorism, is disgraceful. Enough already.

    The son of the President of Turkey, for example, was shown to be making buckets of money buying cheap oil from the terrorists and shipping it to "friends" in the Middle East who needed it. And the DoJ says what? Syrians are profiting from this? Then why has Syria been fighting the terrorists? Bargaining for a better price, perhaps? It's all BS.

    On the contrary, the Syrians, along with their allies, have given a merciless thumping to the US-sponsored terrorists. And the DoJ wants to pretend that Syria, and Kirsan who is alleged to have banking connections there, are the ones supporting the terrorists.

    This is the second reason why the sanctions are wrong. By the way, instead of helping Syria to fight the terrorists, Canada also has sanctions against that country and is, therefore, actively undermining their attempt to fight the terrorists. Way to go, Canada.

    Just in case anyone thinks that the DoJ is pure as driven snow, I would just remind readers that this is the very same department that almost certainly has a secret arrest warrant for one Julian Assange, whistle-blower. Assange has sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, UK for years now, avoiding the "enhanced interrogation" and other delights the US government has plans to do to him. You know. Like they did to Chelsea Manning - another whistle-blower.

    Edited: Whoops! My mistake. I read the FIDE Treasurer's comments incorrectly. No matter. The DoJ has a clearly demonstrated political agenda here - and a record of doing so. That's the main point.

    So, it 's probably wise not to trust the DoJ anyway. That's the third reason that the sanctions are crap.

    Never mind all the fresh animal droppings with Clinton-gate, Trump, Russia-gate, blah-blah, that's been shoveled out by the truck load since Hilary Clinton somehow managed to lose the election in November 2016. The virtual state of war, especially in relation to Syria in particular, between the US and Russian regimes makes it very clear that Kirsan is simply a pawn in a much bigger "game".

    Quote Originally Posted by Vladimir Drkulec
    Who we vote for will depend on who is running. It is possible that we will abstain. If Hal jumps in the ring we will vote for him.
    Exactly the right approach. "What is good for Canadian chess?" is the question ... rather than the foaming, litigious, uncensored venom freely expressed over at ChessTalk, for example. Why be "Chester" to the US "Spike"? The CFC is showing more independence than our own selfie-taking PM. Hooray for the good guys!
    Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; 02-15-2018 at 12:28 AM. Reason: whoops, DoJ not DoT, and enough already

  3. #13
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    While I can understand some of your opinions about the overwhelming power of USA in the modern world, your permanent, unnecessary and ugly attacks on Israel make a big damage to this cite and to CFC in general.

    To Vlad Drkulec and other executives: I do believe that CFC should not tolerate posts like this. The poster should be banned immediately.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
    While I can understand some of your opinions about the overwhelming power of USA in the modern world, your permanent, unnecessary and ugly attacks on Israel make a big damage to this cite and to CFC in general.

    To Vlad Drkulec and other executives: I do believe that CFC should not tolerate posts like this. The poster should be banned immediately.
    I don't think we need to have overtly political posts on the CFC forum. I would ask everyone to refrain from them.

    I do not see any mention of Israel in this post. My position on Israel is that it is the only true democracy in the middle east and is surrounded by enemies who are largely irrational in their hatred for the Israelis. Under the last prime minister, Canada clearly supported Israel. I am not sure about the current regime in Canada which seems to offer lukewarm support. We need to pray for Israel and offer whatever support we can. I don't think FIDE should hold events in countries where Israelis are not welcome.

    Whether Kirsan is innocent or guilty is less relevant at the moment as the fact that FIDE has no bank account. Fide sends us the information from the treasurer informing us of this fact and then sends us another email asking us for payments for the FIDE trainers commission. The people in charge need to do something now. FIDE needs to pay its bills and receive payments in order to remain solvent. It doesn't seem to me to be possible in the current situation.

  5. #15
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    Thank you, Vlad.

    About mention of Israel - I copy / paste from post of Mr. Hanrahan: "certain middle-eastern state with a blue and white flag, and so on, who have been funding, training, arming, giving loving medical attention to, supporting logistically, etc., etc., the terrorists ... who change their names just often enough to confuse the victims of MSM. All of this is well documented and the policy is continuous, with a few bumps, between Obama and Trump. "

    Yes, he did not write Israel. Which another country has a blue and white flag? Argentina? Not exactly in the middle east.

    I agree with your opinion about the current situation with Kirsan.

  6. #16


    Vlad in your post above you asked people to refrain from making "overt political posts" in the first paragraph and then you make one in the second paragraph. Let's be consistent.
    Last edited by Ken Craft; 02-16-2018 at 08:10 AM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
    Thank you, Vlad.

    About mention of Israel - I copy / paste from post of Mr. Hanrahan: "certain middle-eastern state with a blue and white flag, and so on, who have been funding, training, arming, giving loving medical attention to, supporting logistically, etc., etc., the terrorists ... who change their names just often enough to confuse the victims of MSM. All of this is well documented and the policy is continuous, with a few bumps, between Obama and Trump. "

    Yes, he did not write Israel. Which another country has a blue and white flag? Argentina? Not exactly in the middle east.

    I agree with your opinion about the current situation with Kirsan.
    I stand corrected. Greece and Somalia also have a blue and white flag though Greece is not typically considered part of the middle east. My last Geography class was in 1975 and I have not kept up to date on the flags around the world though I should be aware of the Israeli flag as I see it often enough. Since I do not believe Israel does any of the things that Nigel has accused the unnamed blue and white flagged state of doing I did not make the connection. Somalia on the other hand has been quite naughty.

  8. #18
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    Default What's wrong with the Jerusalem Post?

    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Plotkin View Post
    While I can understand some of your opinions about the overwhelming power of USA in the modern world, your permanent, unnecessary and ugly attacks on Israel make a big damage to this cite and to CFC in general.

    To Vlad Drkulec and other executives: I do believe that CFC should not tolerate posts like this. The poster should be banned immediately.
    I don't understand this. The Jerusalem Post has reported on such things as far back as 2015. Is the Post making ugly attacks on Israel?

    Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

    Perhaps reports from the Jerusalem Post should be banned from the Discussion Board as well? Victor P. seems to be over-reacting.

    The CFC should stay out of ugly politics where it doesn't help Canadian chess. However, in pointing out the self-contradictions and senselessness of the US sanction regime against Kirsan, Syria, etc., I think this strengthens the CFC hand in not jumping at everyone who barks at them. By and large, our current CFC President and his team have negotiated this minefield pretty well. And here as well.

    "Dogs will bark but the caravan of chess moves on."

  9. #19
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    My reading of the above article is that they MAY have treated al-Quaida fighters because they aren't checking wounded patients for faction membership cards or secret decoder rings. Talking about who Israeli doctors are possibly treating is not really relevant to chess. Kirsan's sanction situation is relevant. The U.S. policy towards the FIDE president does not make much sense based on the available evidence. It is possible that the U.S. has evidence that they are not sharing. I simply don't know. On the surface it appears that Kirsan and by extension FIDE are caught in the inexorable gears of the U.S. justice system. Since it does not appear that the U.S. justice system has any intention of backing off, FIDE will need to make adjustments.

    Lets stick closely to chess. Lets also avoid the acrimony that is endemic to chesstalk. I am not shy about removing defamatory posts but I would prefer that we not descend into that state of affairs as I don't have a lot of spare time to waste on this.

  10. #20
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    Default Doubts cast as to whether UBS is going to close FIDE's bank account or not

    More developments re: the FIDE Treasurer's letter. It seems the claims made in that letter are in dispute. In particular, one author from the ECF has cast serious doubt as to whether the main claim - that UBS is about to close FIDE's bank account - is true. You can read it over at ChessTalk. If true, that would make the claim "fake news" ... and, it is surmised, for the purpose of discrediting Kirsan.

    Canadian GM Kevin Spraggett has written about this as well. However, I'd rather not provide a link here as the GM's weblog is not suitable for children.

    One thing that "Spragooni" (a nickname from one nameless Winnipeg Master) pointed out, or repeated, was that no rumor can be treated as true until there is an official denial. And we have that now.

    Wheels within wheels within wheels. Chess was never so complicated.
    Last edited by Nigel Hanrahan; 02-21-2018 at 07:48 PM. Reason: yeah

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