
There are 3 members as part of Kalev Pugi fund: Patrick McDonald, Lyle Craver and Valer Eugen Demian. Requests are forwarded to us via email. Timing communication is an issue as replies are slow to come in, as well as coming up with a final decision. Once a decision is reached, the 3 members are not informed if the money have been paid or not; except for Jan 2015 (see below), there is no feedback provided by CFC.

The members have to come up with a decision much faster.

Parents and kids/ juniors must be made aware of the approximate amount of funds available based on previous years. It is my impression their belief here is way out of what the reality is.

Same names applying more or less year after year indicates a public lack of knowledge about this source of funds. Those few aware of it are applying over and over; that does not seem to fulfill the purpose of this fund.

Below there is a list of proposals dated April 2014. Those ideas are intended to improve the efficiency and transparency of the work related to this fund. This work here is submitted for the online August 2015 CFC AGM.

Kind regards,
Valer Eugen Demian

Qiyu Zhou - general application
Paul LeBlanc has sent CFC $923 (income earned for the year ended 30 April, 2015)

Rene Preotu - for Reykjavik Open and the Cappelle la Grande Open.
I was in favor of up to $400
Vlad Drkulec provided feedback about parents asking for the timing of accepting their applications, probably linked to Mr Preotu request.

Recap for accepted applications up to the date:
$200 for Jackie Peng
$400 for Alexandra Botez
$400 for Qiyu Zhou
$400 for Razvan Preotu
Total: $1,400. Remaining $400

Lat updated: 17-April-2014


Action items:
1. Kalev Pugi fund on website
- easy to find area
- links to it - where to be added in the existing menu? Home page, other?

Situation today:
http://chess.ca/about-us - links to: http://chess.ca/pugi-kalev
http://chess.ca/kalev-pugi - I do not know how someone can get here. Does anyone know?

2. Applications process
- how to...
- deadline

Situation today:
- listed here: http://chess.ca/kalev-pugi

3. Awards
- how to...
- posting of results

Situation today:
- listed here: http://chess.ca/kalev-pugi

4. The members responsible for this fund must have a process in place on how to discuss, decide and who prepares reports for the online AGMS.