The Act is very complex there are committee of directors, committee of members. Advisory committee is not mentioned in the Act because it lacks authority.

21. (1) A corporation shall prepare and maintain, at its registered office or at any other place in Canada designated by the directors, records containing

(a) the articles and the by-laws, and amendments to them, and a copy of any unanimous member agreement;

(b) the minutes of meetings of members and any committee of members;

There is almost nothing in the Act about committee of members. A slide show that I have already referred to mentioned that authority may be given to those committees. This is not clear from the Act and it is a Lawyer interpretation.

The CFC has at least 3 Committee of members which are elected directly by the Voting Members. Kalev Pungi Fund, Chess Federation of Canada trustee and the NAC. Each has his own authority and answer ultimately to the Voting Members.

The CFC has at least four standing committees: TDOCP, Olympic, Youth and Ethics. Are those were approved by the voting members.
This covers all committees except committee of members

Committee terms of reference should always provide for, at a minimum, the following elements:

chair (how selected);
composition (size and how selected);
reporting responsibility (to whom and when);
mandate (scope of authority);
nature of authority (report, recommend, act); and,
resource and/or staff support.

Most of our standing committees are in violation of those minimal IC requirements. The members committees are much better. Because they have always operated outside of the Directors' authority, their mandate are very clear.