The CFC Regular Chess Post July 6/14 – CFC Incoming Voting Members’ AGM Elections.

Today the CFC AGM’s start (Outgoing Voting Members; Incoming Voting Members). The 2014-5 Incoming Voting Members shortly will elect the CFC Executive, non-executive officers & various committee members.

Some Candidates have now declared their candidacy publicly, or it has been announced publicly by someone else. However, some have only declared their candidacy confidentially to the Outgoing Voting Members on their discussion board. So I am not entitled to post these until they do go public, or give me consent to post.

Here are the candidates so far who have publicly declared (alphabetical where contested):

President: Incoming Voting Member, Sasha Starr; Incumbent Vlad Drkulec.
Vice-President: Incoming Voting Member Pierre Denommee (if so elected; not clear if not elected if he will still run as an ordinary CFC Non-Voting Member).
Treasurer: Incumbent, Fred McKim.
Secretary: Incumbent, Lyle Craver.
Rating Auditor: Incumbent Paul Leblanc
Tournament Coordinator: Pierre Denommee (see above comments)
National Appeals Committee: Pierre Denommee (see above comments)

(Note: there have been many posts on this item on Chesstalk, and it may be that some candidates who posted did publicly, somewhere in their post, say they were running. I may have missed this, or have now forgotten. I am sorry if there are omissions and please draw them to my attention as soon as possible.)

The AGM’s are open to the public (but only CFC Voting Members can post). The forum to attend now appears as a sub-forum on the CFC Forums page:

The elections are by secret ballot and if I recollect, the number of votes can only be seen by voting members who have already voted. They cannot be seen by the public. The names of the Voting Members voting, and how they voted, is not made public until the Secretary formally announces the results.

If someone not entitled to post, wishes to post a question of the meeting, or make a comment, please post it on the CFC Members’ Chess Chat Forum (not the CMA Chesstalk forum). It is expected some governors will be checking the CFC board from time to time, and may, if they so wish, bring your question/comment into the meeting (there is no entitlement of others than Voting Members to post, so it is discretionary whether any voting member will adopt the question/comment and put it forward in a post of their own).

For detailed, ongoing, on-line Canadian chess news, check out the new CFC website feature, Canadian Chess Newsfeed:

Bob Armstrong, CFC Public Relations Coordinator
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