The Secretary's position has morphed through the years with the advent of E-mail and the transformation of the Governors' Letter into the Quarterly Meetings and Online AGM.

Now my role is primarily one of facilitator - moderating the Online Meetings (the "under the hood" stuff if you will), keeping tracking of Governors' / Voting Members' votes, and much else of a technical role.

With respect to the online meetings, it's been asked why I lead off most message threads - this is as much a function of the software as anything else. Specifically, if you delete the first message in a thread you delete the whole thread! I assure you it's not because I need to see my name out front all the time.

Lastly a key role of the Secretary is to ensure the continuance of the Assembly by receiving all nominations from provincial affiliates - and a very special thanks to provinces who get their lists in early. I remind you all that by the Handbook Governors / Voting Members serve from CFC Annual Meeting to CFC Annual Meeting which is why most provincial AGMs take place in May or June.

It has been a pleasure to serve you all during the past year and I hope to continue to do so in 2014-15

Lyle Craver
Secretary, Chess Federation of Canada