It's my understanding that we get 5 CFC Governor spots this year.

That basically means that our exec plus one "at-large" get them.

The President is typically but not always the OCA Regional VP for SWOCL. I would suggest that that be maintained unless a president, after being elected, doesn't want the position at which point we can select one of the other Governors.


President: Lee Hendon
Vice-President: Christopher Mallon
Treasurer: Bob Gillanders
Secretary: Garvin Nunes
At-Large: Vlad Drkulec
At-Large: Frank Lee

I would like to stand for reelection. My main focus this coming year is going to be the high school chess within Grand Erie trying to get all 14 schools involved (vs 7 this year). I'd also like to work with Garvin to improve the website and actually get people using it.