LIMITATION OF RIGHTS ( from By-Law # 1 of the CFC )

14. No individual Member shall have any right to be heard on any matter pertaining to the affairs of the Federation, or his individual membership. Should any individual member be aggrieved by any matter arising in the conduct of the affairs of the Federation, his remedy shall be to bring the matter before his provincial organization, and if there be no Provincial Organization in the Province in which he resides, he may bring the matter to the attention of a Governor representing such Province. Any complaints or suggestions of any individual Member shall be sufficiently dealt with by the Federation Secretary, if he shall reply to such individual Member quoting this By-law.

This section means I cannot bring a motion on my own behalf before the Governors. I am required to find a sympathetic Governor who will move my motion for me, and a second one to second the motion.

I have a motion I would like to bring. It is as follows:

" Motion - CFC will have a " public read only " private governors' forum for all normal CFC business, and a second " confidential " private governors' forum for those occasions where confidentiality is warranted, before going public. "

I would respectfully call upon 2 governors to come forward and bring this motion on my behalf. I hope that making a plea on the CFC 's own board would be a reasonable way to seek out 2 sympathetic governors.



Please post here if you are willing to undertake this mission. You need not self-destruct thereafter. If you want to discuss this privately, my e-mail is