EOCA Tournaments webpage : http://www.eoca.org/2012-13_tournaments.html
entries posted @ CFC Chat : http://chesscanada.info/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2

We are pleased to announce the Easter Monday 2013 Ottawa CYCC Qualifier. Featuring International Master (IM) Tom O'Donnell, this is a chess camp on Easter Monday, April 1st. Most Ontario children do not have school on Easter Monday, but many of their parents are working. This event offers a great chess alternative! The official tournament runs between 9am and 5pm, but children can be dropped off as early as 8am, and picked up as late as 6pm.

Please go to the weblinks above for details, and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at your earliest convenience. Note this event is already less than a month away, and that there will be no onsite registration on the day of the event (we expect to reach capacity before then anyway).

Yours in chess,

Aris Marghetis, IA/IO
arismarghetis at rogers dot com