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Thread: 4b) Motion 2013-T Olympic Regulations (McKim/Rekhson) - discussion only

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    Default 4b) Motion 2013-T Olympic Regulations (McKim/Rekhson) - discussion only

    NOTE: I), II) and III) will be voted on separately.

    I) Selection Rules and Role of Team Captain

    1) 904 (f) In title alter "Election" to "Appointment" .... Delete "The players shall submit their votes for Team Captains" and replace by "The Team Captain will be appointed"

    2) 908 Selection of Team Captains

    (a) For each team the CFC Executive will receive applications from interested individuals.

    (b) Applications must be received by 105 days before the start of the Olympiad.

    (c) The best candidate for the position(s) will be chosen by the executive or a sub-committee, taking into account the duties of the captains as outlined in 913.

    3) 913 Add (b) Aiding with game analysis and preparation for upcoming opponents. Reorder other sections.

    II) Appointment of Advisory Committee

    904 a) Appointment of Advisory Committee

    The CFC Executive shall appoint an Olympic Advisory Committee (905) no later than 180 days before the start of the Olympiad.

    904 b) Selection of Players

    The composition of the Teams shall be calculated by the Olympic Coordinator according to rules (906) & (907) no later than 165 days before the start of the Olympiad.

    905. The Advisory Committee

    The CFC Executive shall appoint an Olympic Advisory Committee consisting of three well known and respected individuals who will act as a think tank and assist in any fund-raising and/or public awareness an/or strategic efforts.

    a), b), c) - remove -

    906 b) National Team

    ii) the four highest players from the selection rating list

    iii) - remove -

    906 c) Women's Team

    ii) the four highest players from the selection rating list

    iii) - remove -

    III) Removal of CFC ratings from Olympic Criteria

    906 a) Eligibility

    iii) change CFC rated or FIDE rated to FIDE rated

    907 Selection Ratings

    Selection of players for the Teams by rating shall be based on the highest published FIDE rating (from monthly FIDE lists) during the year prior to the start of the selection process (which begins 180 days before the start of the Olympiad).

    a) - remove -
    Last edited by Michael von Keitz; 01-20-2013 at 04:14 AM.

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