The CCC Post ( Week of January 27 – February 2/12 ).

The 2012 Winter Governors’ On-line Meeting concluded in mid-January ( had been running since Jan. 1 ). The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) had 2 motions on the agenda:

1. Motion 2012-L– basically stating that it was the member’s right to try to get assistance from a governor to bring his/her petition to the Assembly of Governors who run the CFC. The motion got more than 50% of the votes, but unfortunately, it was a “ constitutional “ amendment, and needed 2/3 of the votes, which it did not get. So the motion failed. This leaves our CFC Handbook with no section on “ Members” Rights “ – not a good situation in the view of the CCC. We must be one of the few non-profit organizations in Canada that has no such section. Here is the section that failed to get sufficient governor support:


14. ( 1 ) Any individual Member shall have a right to be heard on any matter pertaining to the affairs of the Federation, or his individual membership, or any situation where any individual member is aggrieved by any matter arising in the conduct of the affairs of the Federation, by approaching a CFC governor for assistance in presenting his submission, motion, etc. to the CFC AGM, Quarterly Meeting, or otherwise. No governor is obliged to agree to act on behalf of such member.

( 2 ) Any such complaints, suggestions, etc. of any individual Member shall be dealt with by the Federation Secretary replying in writing to any governor acting on behalf of such member, with copy to such individual Member.

( 3 ) As set out elsewhere in the Handbook, CFC members have the right as there set out, to elect their CFC governors.

2. Motion 2012-M – allowing for 2 members to get their motion onto a governor meeting agenda without needing a governor to move it or second it, under some moderately onerous conditions – failed by a substantial margin. Here is the section that was defeated:


14a. Any individual member may bring a motion directly to the CFC governors, without governor assistance being required, if he has a member seconder, and endorsement of members totaling 5% of the total Ordinary and Life members. The total shall be based on the membership statistics issued May 1 by the CFC Secretary. Endorsing members must be 18 years of age or over, and there must be proof provided directly from the endorser to the CFC Secretary of each member’s endorsement of the motion.

If members are concerned about this defeat of these sections, let your view be known here, and let your local governor know you are unhappy with what they did.

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Bob, CCC Coordinator
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