Although the Governor's forum has been established as a place for Governors to post and debate issues among themselves, it has been suggested that read access to that forum be granted to non-Governors. That might have been a good idea if it had been implemented early; perhaps it is not too late to do so, but it needs to be made extremely clear that Governors would have to be careful not to debate or mention issues that are currently confidential.

I am in favour of full transparency, but I also recognize that rumours fly fast and some issues should be debated among the Governors (not many issues, but I can understand some being classified that way).

Having the additional burden of having to be careful about the confidentiality of the issues on the private forum would hinder discussion among Governors (and we don't need more hindrance to that).

Rather than allowing anyone (well, anyone registered on this board) to read the Private forum, perhaps it is sufficient to suggest that anything of any value that comes out of private discussions will end up in the GL anyway? Is that reasonable?