Late report tonight

US Closed: Two rounds left. Kamsky and Shulman have a point lead over the rest of the A group. In the B Section Hess has a full point lead over Onischuk and Shankland. Irina Krush now has a half point lead in the Women's section over 3 others.

San Sebastian: Kevin won an interesting game today. He employed a Dutch Stonewall with both players having Knights planted on the K5 squares. After some back and forth play, Kevin's opponent grabbed a poisioned pawn instead of trading off all the material. Leon did not fare so well today as his 70's style "Canadian" Defence didn't quite work and he ended up in a lost position after initiating some tactics in the early middlegame.

That's it for tonight (it's bed time on the east coast). If I get any info on Mexico (the Continental) I'll update this thread in the AM.