Since the Amendment to motion 2011-03 has been passed the motion becomes (changed text in Italics)

AMENDED Motion :Moved: Governor Patrick McDonald; Seconded: Governor Paul Leblanc
Governors-at-Large – Past CFC Presidents: Section 6 of By-law # 2 is amended by deleting

“ the past Presidents of the Federation who have served as President for at least two full terms. A term is that period between one annual meeting and the next. The past presidents of the federation who have served as President for at least 2 terms and continue to demonstrate that they are active governors by attending at any one annual meeting over a 2 year period or commenting or voting on not less than 3 governors motions in any two year period or attending at least 2 on line governors meetings over a two year period. A term is that period between one annual meeting and the next”

and replacing

“ the past Presidents who have been granted the life title of Governor at Large as at September 1994. “

There shall be added after the words “ five years “ in the remaining section, the sentence “ A term is that period between one annual meeting and the next.”

Please vote YES, NO or ABSTAIN - voting on this motion ends 2300 (11 pm) EDT, Tuesday October 12th