View Full Version : CFC National Tournament Director

Bob Armstrong
10-07-2008, 11:26 PM
David Lavin posted partially here his CFC Business Plan. He suggested:

" That we have a new Executive position of National Tournament Director whose duties could include overseeing all the National Championships, developing a national certification program, and assisting new TD's and Organizers. After all, isn't the CFC about tournament chess? "

Governor Ken Craft responded:

" There is no need for an executive position of National Tournament Director."

What do you think?

I see it as a positive position. Part of CFC 's mandate is promoting chess. To do this requires assistance to chess organizers working alone out in the field, and to encouraging more new organizers to try it. Also, more tournaments = more CFC members and = more rating fees. This could be part of a positive chess promotion strategy.
